5: Gathering shameless servants

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After a good meal little bun was stuffed now it was time for tea.

A few days later...


"Yes your imperial majesty" Jin kowtow

"Prepare all the servants who bullied this Empress's bun I'll deal with that useless concubine later"

Jin nods then leave Ning jie sipped the tea as he watched his bun who was trying to draw him then smiled.

"How far a long are you my little bun?" He said trying to peek over

"No mommy no peeking" he pouts

Ning jie close his eyes and smile gently his bun was really cute he even dares to command this empress.

"Alright alright this mother will wait he won't be impatient anymore"

Despite being a man Ning jie had more feminine features and therefore he is the consider the most beautiful in the country, many was captured by his sadistic beauty that seems to seduce anyone without trying the red dot on his forehead maid clear he was a Gent or Ger so no one found it wrong when his features were so feminine dispite having Male genitals from afar he looked like a beautiful seductress but close he was more like a goddess who is meant to tempt them.

No one dared to offend this great beauty why simple though beautiful he was merciless and cold and he was not weak and no one dared offend such a fierce person and many admired that about him.

"Mommy I'm finished" he said

The little bun lift up the cloth and showed him Ning jie smiled and clapped

"It's beautiful my little bun is a genius you should be rewarded"

He went over hugged and kissed the boy the drawings wasn't very impressive and was messy but you can't expect too much from a soon to be 5 years old child, Jin walked in and immediately kowtow.

"Your imperial majesty the servants are ready" he said

"Good" he smiled then looked at his bun "my bun it's time for a show can you watch it with me?" He asked gently


Ning jie smiled and kissed his cheek as he lifted up the boy

"Put up this drawing safely make sure nothing is wrong if I find a simple smug on it you will be punished"

Jin nods as they both left they went outside in the garden where the servants where their kowtowing in the sun.

Ning jie said nothing and just put his bun on the chair that had a soft cushion and had a servant served them tea and snacks.

The servants felt miserable in the blazing hot sun they were sweating like crazy but no one dared move and so they bared with the pain, Ning jie took a sip of the tea then gently placed it down and looked at his bun.

"Little bun"

The little bun who was stuffing his face with the rice cake looked at his mother, Ning jie slightly chuckled at his meatball he had rice on his face Ning jie turned to him and gently wiped his cheek.

"Little bun I've heard you where bully a lot when mother was asleep"

All the servants flinched at first they were wondering why they were here but they saw the empress walked in with the boy at first they wondered who was he but at a closer look they saw it was the bagger and was deeply worried, but because he was a beggar they could all deny of ever wronging the child it was them against a beggar so they would definitely win but when the empress had said that she heard they all couldn't help but swallowed in fear.

Whenever the empress said she heard it was always true he said he heard but in truth what his saying is he knows and therefore if not please he will dealt with the problem, the empress was cold blooded a perfect match for the emperor like a match made in heaven but the couple couldn't agree with each other the emperor hated the empress and this was well known but he never tried or punished the empress no matter what he did so even if he is not liked it didn't matter he could still punish them.

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