17: The Fènghuáng ring

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Ru Yong was not sure of what was going on and why she was here but she didn't feel,

"Did I do something to offend the empress" she said a trembling voice

"Quiet! is not your turn yet" Ning jie said getting up


The nanny seemed scared as sweat ran down from her cheeks, the mighty approaching was a too terrifying for her.

"Nanny su you look lovely today" Ning jie sincerely compliments her

At first she was taken at back by the Empress's words, but her guards began to drop the moment the empress gently pick her up off her knees.

"What is imperial mother doing" Jianyu asked

"Wait for little brother you must be patient"

Jianyu smiled when Yanlin patiently pat his head Xi Xi did not say anything and just watched the show.

"I want to thank you for taking care of little yu for all those years"

"Yes yes it was hard and difficult for this old lady"

Ning jie smiled as the concubine looked at her as if she were a fool,

"So you wouldn't mind me taking him off your hands right" Ning jie asked

"I don't know the little prince is very important to me" she smiled

"I can relate after all his so adorable who can resist" Ning jie smiled

"Yes yes the prince is so adorable" she said holding her cheek glancing over to Jianyu

"And the fish took the bait" Yanlin said eating a lotus cake that Jianyu gave him

"By the way nanny sue I love your rings" he said smiling

"R-really" the nanny said

Ning jie gently hold up her hand he recognizes it and remembers it.

"Wear it all the time when you give birth to the heir he can wear it"

Even though the emperor had a cold expression on his face and seemed to not care the ring was something passed down from generations in his family from his dead, mother to him then to him (Ning jie) then he passed it on to baby Jianyu but for a mere servant to wear it Ning jie didn't dare hold his anger and dragged her finger off completely.

A loud painful scream heard throughout the area,

"A servant a mere slave" Ning jie eyes reflected his demons "dares insult the ancestors"

"I beg for your forgiveness me I beg you"

Even if the emperor didn't love him he once loved the emperor, and the emperor gave him something so precious something that acknowledged that he was his only empress and this slave dared put it on her filthy hands.

As the servant stretched out her hand to hold the end of his hanfu jie raised his foot and stepped on her hand as blood splattered everywhere, her hand was scramble for a cultivator like Jie this slave was like a bug who could jie without a single bit of effort, the nanny's cries was heard by everyone but no one pitied her.

"Big brother why is mother angry"

"It's because of the ring" Yanlin answered

"The ring"

"Yes the ring more appropriately the Fènghuáng ring is the ring that imperial father gave to imperial mother, for generations of generations the emperor has worn the ring and would only pass it on to the one he only wants as his only empress and it would be passed on to the crown prince this was something only to be worn by royalty, and a slave dares where it it was an insult to the ancestors therefore this slave should be punished"

Jie felt disgusted and kicked the slave in her stomach but not enough to kill her.

"Get the hot oil" Jie commands

Two men came with a big pot of boiling hot oil it was meant for the concubine but when jie had witnessed the slave wearing the ring all rang broke loose, the servant skitter and scramble to be released from Jie's grip but he kept dragging her by her hair.

"Please no forgive me! I beg you no! No!"

Jie stuffed her head in the pot of boiling oil the servant was in turmoil in unbearable pain jie too was being burned but he was too angry to care about the pain.

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