44: Rough intimacy

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Zheng Chi was sleeping on the table tirely last night the general seemed to be angry and went hard on him Zheng Chi was probably torn and everyone hurts his tired both body and mind so write now instead of doing his usual house work he was asleep.

A servant came in and saw the lady sleeping on the table she had heard that last night he angered the master resulting in him being extremely unkind to him during intimacy.

The servant girl went for a blanket in the closet people discriminated against him without much reason even in this mansion they kept on blaming him saying he was heartless and cold they blame him with no clear justification.

They kept saying it was his fault but as she see it it's the master who is heartless, she was ready to put the blanket over him when the door opened revealing the general the sudden sounds of the door woke Zheng Chi up and female servant bows.

"Come" he said

The female servant could see the clear tiredness of her lady.

"Um... lord Tang the lady seems to be quite tired.... he requires rest" the female servant said knowing the recuperation of her action

"Hmp a servant is talking unnecessarily I don't need il-bred servants"

"It's okay she's young and doesn't know much she doesn't need to punishment I'll send her to head maid" Zheng Chi got up tirely.

Zheng Chi staggered a bit but she caught him the lady seems to be losing weight this pained the servant the general looked closer to him and walked up to him.

"You seemed not have taken breakfast your not trying to starve yourself to escape me are you?" He asked coldly

"No I just didn't feel hungry" Zheng Chi answered

"Come let's get you something to eat before you break under my bed" he said grabbing him by the wrist.

Life really was unfair to the lady the only one cold hearted here was the master his probably going to take straight after eating relieving all his frustration on him.

The female servant was new and young but she already has witnessed how the master treats his wife he took him anywhere both in and out the bedroom he'd not long ago lost interest in his Mistress and flung her out.

Just when the servant thought the lady had a break from the constant intimacy the general now taking him a lot more than before was the wife a wife or was the wife an object the servant didn't know.

The general was taking his wife within the quarters of his office.

"Hmm" Zheng Chi forced himself to shut up

"You refuse it make moans of pleasure anymore fine don't blame me for not being considerate"

The general pushed him over the table from there once sitting position the general locked hands with him as he goes deeper into his wife Zheng Chi wanted to cry but he will not let himself give in it was his only belonging his smile his tears.

He will not give in and give him what he wanted.

"Hmm ernnn"

He bit his lower lip to shut up as everything was becoming blurry he was barely keeping up or his not keeping up soon he felt the general bit him in the shoulder almost making him moaned out loud but he held his mouth before he could.

"You know, are were plenty great inside" the general said

Zheng Chi was barely hearing a thing between the squinting and squishing of their aggressive intimacy.

"Back in the book store were I first took you I was thinking about you and imagining you behaving so erotically and if the heaven answered my which you popped up" he grinned sadistically, "I've always seen and you were always so cold I wanted to change that and when I had you in that room you didn't have a clue how glad I was to think a cold face queen like you was so fragile inside I want to see it again" the general said.

Zheng Chi was adamant on not giving him that pleasure and seeing his weakness therefore turning his face away disobeying him the general grinned now he was even more excited at his wife rebelliousness.

"Well we keep going then"

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