63: The Ancestral Dragon swears

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TengFei Xinjiang got up off the floor unfase he was badly injured Yes but for a celestial ancestral heaven dragon such as himself this is no biggie and the wounds began to heal.

"Congratulations on final-"

Jie'er suddenly threw up blood as his visions grew blurry he staggered on to his knees TengFei Xinjiang immediately went up him to heal him after all he doesn't want to be the one to inflict pain upon Zihao.

While some part healed his cultivation root or core came off as strange to TengFei Xinjiang then when he checked deeper he realized and his eyes became red with anger.

"Those fucking creatures are back"

Soon Zihao came walking over with blood tracing from his hand and mouth.

"Zihao before you-"

Zihao immediately launched at him as hard as he could right now and punched him TengFei Xinjiang falls back receiving a crack on his core and blood from his nose.

Zihao even though weak forced himself to pick up Jie'er in his arms then was about to heal him.

"Xiao Zihao you can't heal him like that your core is heavily damaged who told you to try and break through my strongest array" TengFei Xinjiang said.

"Go away" he yelled "go away"

Zihao's hands was trembling as he could not heal Jie'er with the state of how his core was.

TengFei Xinjiang felt very guilty he almost killed Zihao's lover he wasn't gonna kill him even if he want he just wanted to prove something.

Zihao had his own bad experience with his lover he didn't want that for Zihao he loved Zihao TengFei Xinjiang wanted make sure that he doesn't have to share his lover with the world just as he once did he wanted Zihao's lover to see only one thing Zihao.

TengFei Xinjiang wanted Zihao to have a lover who put there lover above everything else and Jie'er has that potential Yes strength is also important but the wifey had great potential it won't be long before he reaches the heavens.

TengFei Xinjiang was satisfied he won't bother the lover in fact maybe he'll help but right now Zihao won't let him near him.

"Zihao let me heal I won't harm him promise" he said

"Go away go home" Zihao said

"Zihao I won't harm him I'll try to help with poison in his roots as well" TengFei  Xinjiang said

Zihao flinched and looked at him but his guard was not down.



"Swear to protect Zihao that you won't harm him"

TengFei Xinjiang was taken aback.

"Your that untrustworthy of me *sigh* fine I will"

Beings such as TengFei Xinjiang should never swear when they do an heavenly bind come on them and if they dare to break it would have a great backlash on both them and their cultivation of the binds with bind them in the heavens.

"I rather not do this"

"Go away"

TengFei Xinjiang with great reluctance put his right hand in the air.

"I the great celestial ancestral heavenly dragon warrior swears to never harm or hurt and will protect this human Ning jie"

Suddenly a beaming light from the sky appeared and the clouds parted for a bit as a glowing lasso tied around the wrist of TengFei Xinjiang and disappeared.

"I can't believe I've done something like this just so you know this will only last until he reaches immortal rank"


"I said human although when your immortal you won't be considered as the race you once were since it's your path to becoming a deity so ultimately the set condition of this rule will be broken, and if the little wifey dies the backlash from the swear I took with be detrimental." He said pointing at his wrist.

Zihao looked at Jie'er who's breathing was getting slower he coughed up some blood.

"Heal him" Zihao said

"With pleasure"

TengFei Xinjiang was very upset he has to now become a shield for a human it's rather unpleasant but what bothers him more was the fact he had said the human's name he only ever called one human with his name and that person was very important to him his name was Bai FengGe.

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