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"I can't do this.." the pinkette laid on the bed belly up, sighing all his breath out and closing his eyes.

"It's just been an hour since I woke up and I need that shit already.."

"I really hope she will appreciate it at least.." he opened his eyes again just to look at the ceiling, not realizing they were full of tears.

"I miss her so much.."

"I want one of her hugs"

He then placed his forearm on his face, covering his eyes as he started sobbing uncontrollably.

As he closed his eyes, he couldn't stop seeing your beautiful smile in front of him and hear your soft voice.

Hallucinations were part of what he was going through and he couldn't take it anymore.

"Haru-nii? Are you okay?" A soft girly voice made him come back to reality "Do you need something?"

"Yeah no.. I'm good.." he sniffled and rolled on the bed to find a comfortable position to rest more, hugging the pillow tight and imagining it was you.
Your boobs, to be precise.

There wasn't anything sexual in his actions, though. He just wanted to feel your warmth and your welcoming body again because it really gave him peace.

At the start of the therapy he used to go to work as well because he wasn't suffering much because of the "half" absence of drugs in his life.
But now, two months after, he was finding it difficult.

Withdrawal from drugs started increasing everyday as the therapist of course didn't let him consume real drugs, but medicines that could have the same effect and not put him in danger.
Also he took a pill in the morning and one at night.

Still drugs, but probably better.
He just listened to her and followed the rules.

"It's okay Haru, you will get your medicines in a hour" Senju sighed out, standing in front of Haruchiyo's room a bit more.

She wanted to comfort him better, maybe hugging him, but their relationship and the past fights were keeping her from doing so.

Also, Takeomi was at the headquarters and couldn't help her either.

"Why don't you tell Y/n that you want to quit drugs? She would be so happy you know?" She leaned her back on the door and rested the back of her head on it as well.

"No.. I don't want her to see me like this, she will be so disgusted.. I'll tell her once this will be over"

At his words, she immediately shook her head "You always talk about Y/n as an amazing girl... Do you really think she would react like that?"

What she got as a reply was just silence.

"Haru, quitting drugs it's something that takes time, a lot of time. You can't disappear like that and tell her nothing. It's not fair. She loves you, Haru.. she just wants you to be okay."

"It's been two months already. The Haitani Brothers told Takeomi that she cries herself asleep every night, probably thinking about you" she added "The only good thing is that she didn't get back to her abusive fiancé as Takeomi said. Don't know if she left him or not though.."

"I.. just don't want her to see me like that." He sounded a bit annoyed "Go away"

Senju sighed and went back to the living room.
She was used to that kind of treatment so she didn't say anything.

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