Chap 3: Awkward Run-In

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Jiang Cheng's Pov:

Hours after his 'date' with Hua Yun was over, the Hua siblings were taken to the Jiang clan compound and were given separate rooms to rest in.

Alright, Jiang Cheng admits it. His sort-of date with Hua Yun wasn't too terrible. Though, that's only if he replaces moments with Hua Yun with moments with Master Hua instead. Jiang Cheng remains dismayed that Hua Yongrui is still unaware of his feelings for him (which is entirely no one's fault but his own. And maybe also Wei Wuxian.)

Jiang Cheng is also too afraid to take things any further with Hua Yun, in fear that Hua Yun might think that he was actually serious about her. He really doesn't want to get her hopes up since she seemed like such a nice girl.

But if it does come to that and clan leader Hua starts expecting him to send a dowry for Hua Yun soon, he'll be forced to call this whole thing off.

Hua Yun would have to return to Aster Grove in Heling, and Master Hua would have to leave with her. Then, Jiang Cheng would have to go back to only sharing short glances with Hua Yongrui at sect conferences.

Existing as mere acquaintances to one another, only to be observed from afar...

His heart aches with love, and he feels so embarassed just thinking about it. Madam Yan was right: If he truly likes someone, then it doesn't matter what expenses he must take!

An hour before dinner began, Jiang Cheng went searching for Master Hua. He wanted to spill the truth to the other man once and for all so even if Hua Yongrui doesn't like him back, Hua Yun's feelings would be spared.

Jiang Cheng knocks on the sliding door to the room Hua Yongrui was assigned to. "This is sect leader Jiang, may I speak with Master Hua?"

"I will be over there shortly!" Responded the man inside, his words muffled but still intelligible. There's some swishing sounds, which Jiang Cheng recognises is the sound of flapping water, followed by wet smacks against the wooden floor boards.

Jiang Cheng blushes beet red and takes a step back in surprise. Was he in the middle of taking a bath!?!

Before Jiang Cheng could properly think of what to do, the door slides open and his mouth runs dry.

Hua Yongrui stands at the door with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist¹. Droplets of water drip down from the ends of his brown hair, with some of his hair and fringe plastered to his face and shoulders.

"Ah, I'm sorry about the floor." He says, referring to the small pool of water gathering at his feet.

Jiang Cheng dragged his eyes precariously down the expanse of the other man's bare chest, finding a little pudge² and two faint rows of abs.

Then, Jiang Cheng's eyes landed on the man's arms. Hua Yongrui's sect uniform did them no justice whatsover.

Why would anyone with the body of a meticulously carved statue want to cover up such muscular arms with baggy sleeves?

It was quite a shame that a small towel was draped around his neck, covering his shoulders. But even then, it was easy to imagine how broad Hua Yongrui's shoulders must be.

It was scandalous, too, how low, the towel was drapped around Master Hua's waist; showing the deep 'V' of his hips.

Hua Yongrui had seem tense when he first opened the door to see Jiang Cheng, but he relaxed considerably and even leaned his hip against the door frame.

Jiang Cheng curses the heavens for putting him through this torture. Where are the servants? Or the people that Master Hua and Lady Hua brought along? Why didn't anyone warn him about this?

Jiang Cheng deserves a breakWhere stories live. Discover now