Chap 4: Remembering Simpler Times

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A/n: Hello~!
Jiang Cheng drunkenly gazes out at the lake of lotuses after he's guzzled down his 19th cup of wine. The lake glittered as if the stars had dropped from the night sky and into the water. Jiang Cheng wonders if he'll regret jumping into the lake and sleeping with the lotuses.

He remembers a time, way back when his cheeks were fuller, his legs shorter and stubbier. When the guan on his head was just some random silk ribbon and not some spiky piece of metal. A time when his hands could barely bear the weight of Sandu.

And of course, a time when his best friend--Not yet war-ridden but instead playful, childish, loud, happy and free of sorrow. Himself, much the same--still remained by his side.
Over two decades ago...

Jiang Cheng (aged 10), Wei Ying (aged 10) and Jiang Yan Li (aged 14)

Everyone (except Wei Ying apparently) knew that some of the lakes in Lotus Pier had owners and hence were generally off limits to the public.

But there were other lakes where anyone could just drift away on a boat or take a refreshing dip in.

Which was what Jiang Cheng and his siblings had decided to do. Today and the months to come were sweltering hot and humid, leaving you sticky and damp the moment you step out of the house.

Even nights could be unbearable. The servants had to start putting up cooling talismans in their rooms to lower the room temperature so they could sleep better at night.

Jiang Cheng and his brother had stripped down to just their trousers and both canon-balled into the lake. Yanli laughed as spurts of water splashed her legs and arms from where she sat on the dock. She wore a light purple bathing dress and she had her hair put up in a single braided bun instead of her usual two. 

"Sorry shijie/jiejie!" Both boys said when they resurfaced. "Are you sure you don't want to get in too?" Wei Ying asked, "The water's perfect." He says and swam a circle around Jiang Cheng.

Yanli only laughed and shook her head, but she does dip her toes in the water. "Maybe later," she says, "Have fun, you two! Don't swim too far out, okay?"


The brothers swam just far enough so that they wouldn't accidentally splash water on their sister again. Then, Wei Ying takes out a wooden ball he had brought along with him for them to play with. He calls out to his brother then tosses the ball towards him.

Jiang Cheng catches it perfectly, then  purposely aims for Wei Ying's left before throwing it back. The two go back and forth on this a few times, each throw harder and faster.

Wei Ying swam back with his eyes following the ball, not looking where he was going, "I got it, I got it--" Abruptly, he disappears behind a field of lotuses and then Jiang Cheng hears a loud smack.

Seconds later and Wei Ying hadn't swam back yet. Jiang Cheng starts to get impatient. "Wei Ying?" He swims towards the lotuses and spots Wei Ying lying face down in the water.

Jiang Cheng snorts, "Piece of shit, are you dead?" He pokes his brother's shoulder, but Wei Ying doesn't respond, instead he just floats away.

The younger boy rolls his eyes. "Hey, hey! Get up!" Jiang Cheng splashes water on him, "Do you want to keep playing or not?"

Still no response. His heart rate starts to speed up as he thinks his brother might not actually be joking around. He grabs Wei Ying's head and lifts his face out of the water.

The other boy's eyes were screwed shut, his breathing shallow and he seemed unresponsive. Jiang Cheng hurriedly puts an arm around his brother and tries to swim back to his sister with his brother on his back.

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