Chapter 11.

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october, 1985

We stood, complete silence passing between the two of us. Neither of us wanted to say anything. The silence wasn't awkward, or uncomfortable. It was kind of comforting.

Nancy sniffed, a tear forming on the waterline of her eye. "Kie," She said, hesitanting before saying anything else. "I'm going to miss you, so much."

I smiled sadly. I stared at her tear stained cheeks and how red they were from crying. "I know. I'll call you everyday, though. You'll get so sick of me."

The truth is, that i'm moving to California, with the Byers, and El. My parents decided that with the power secret out, and after the shit that happened in the mall, that it would be better. Joyce offered to take me in, and I hesitated to say yes, as much as I wanted to.

I would miss Steve too much. Robin, Nancy, Steve, all of them. It would hurt. Yet, after some consideration, I realized that they would all be so much safer.

"I could never get sick of you, Supergirl." Nancy said, smiling back at me. She wiped my face, because apparently, I had started to cry as well.

Part of me still wanted to stay. I wanted to be here, with Nancy, forever. But I also wanted her to be completely safe. Now she would be.

I pulled her close, our foreheads touching. I kissed her soft lips as tears fell. The empty room around us grew smaller as we just stood, unaware of anything else.

"Guys," I heard come from the doorway. I picked up my head to see Will, holding a box. "It's time to go, Kie."

I smiled sadly. I didn't want to leave, but I also knew that it would be better. With a simple nod as I started walking away, Nancy's hand coming with mine.

I leaned down to pick up a box off the floor. Nancy grabbed another one, smiling at me. I love her. I  really love her.

We started dating after that Fourth Of July. And yes, we did go on that date. It was perfect. Everything was perfect.

Will walked ahead as we stopped by another empty room. El was sitting on the floor, wiping her eyes. I stared at her, not realizing how long i'd been standing there.

Hopper's dead affected all of us, but I knew that El missed him more than anyone.

"What's that?" I asked, my voice soft and calm. I walked into the room and crouched down bedside her.

She looked up and me and smiled through tears. "A letter, from Hop." She said. Her voice was shaking.

I nodded looking down. "He really loved you, El. He'd be so proud of what you've become."

"I miss him." She said, leaning into my side. I tried my hardest to stop myself from crying. I had to be strong for her.

Wrapping my arm around her, I smiled. "I know, we all do. But for now," I stood, pulling her up with me. "We need to get ready to go. He'd want you to be safer."

She nodded agreeingly. "Yeah. Let's go."

I picked my box back up and walked back towards the doorframe, where Nancy still stood. She had watched.

She pulled me in and kissed my cheek. "You're the best. She loves you."

I smirked and looked up. "Yeah, I tend to have that effect on people."

She smacked my arm as I moved out of the house and into the front yard, where all our freibds stood

Hugs were exchanged, and tears were shed. Especially when I hugged Robin and Steve. I think beside Nance, I'd miss them the most.

"I love you." I whispered into Steve's shoulder as we hugged. I heard him sniffle as I went to pull away, admiring his face. "I'll miss you so much, idiot."

He smiled and bumped my elbow. "Yeah, I guess I love you too, Supergirl."

Suddenly, he yanked me back in for another hug. Typically, i'd fight it and squirm till' he'd let me go, but this time, I didn't pull away.

I walked over to Robin and pulled her in quickly. She laughed and squeezed her arms against my back. "Kie, are you sure you wanna leave me with Dingus?"

"I'm so sorry, definitely keep me updated on that." I joked back, smiling. I was smiling, although i've never been this sad.

We put the boxes in the moving truck, and climbed into the back of Joyce's car. I noticed El hugging her friends, and her face as she hugged Max. I knew that face. I had it when I used to look at Nancy.

As the car pulled away, I looked up at the sky. The clouds moved quickly and the sun shined through the windows.

The Party stood in The Byer's old driveway, staring longingly at our car.

I wanted nothing more than to jump out and embrace Nancy, one last times. But i'd see her soon, like we all had agreed on. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break. I'd see them soon. I'd see her soon.

So as our car drove further down the road, we passed the sign that I dreaded to see.

"You are now leaving Hawkins. Come again soon!"

Hawkins. My Hawkins.

Our Hawkins.


hope this makes you sad xoxo

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