Chapter 7

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I woke up, and looked to my right. I saw Nancy sitting there, still asleep.
I shook her a little bit. "Nancy. We need to go to Hop's."
"Hm?" She mumbled, still half asleep.
"We need to go." I said, as I started getting up. I looked in a mirror and saw the white bandage, now with a red tint from the bleeding, and sighed. I looked down at my wrist. My number tattoo was bare, and showing.

I went into the bathroom and put on a blue tee shirt, and lighter blue jeans. I grabbed my sneakers and threw them on as well.
Nancy met me outside. She was wearing a red and black striped shirt with jeans. We walked downstairs and met Mike, who looked annoyed.
"Took you long enough."
I laughed.
"Ready to go?" Nancy asked, impatiently.

We piled into her station-wagon, Mike in the back, me in the passenger seat.
We drove through the suburban neighborhood and into the woods. Hoppers cabin was in the middle of no where, and I had no doubt that Joyce would be there too. She's really protective over all of us. Especially me. She's like a mom to me, since Steve's parents are never really around.

When we arrived at the cabin, I saw Robin and Steve waiting outside.
"You guys took long enough" Robin said, with a lighthearted grin.
I looked confused, but smiled.
"Why does everyone keep saying that?!"
Robin laughed.
"Cmon, El is trying to find Billy and Heather."

We walked in, and saw Mike arguing with Max (as usual). I assumed he walked in when we were talking to Robin outside, And now he was already arguing with Max. Record Speed.
"What are they arguing about?" I whispered to Steve.
He shrugged. "El i'm guessing"

Nancy butted in.
"What's going on?"
Max sighed.
"Who do you think should decide El's limits? Mike, or Eleven?"
"The way that you frame that is such bullshit!" Mike argued back. Seriously we've been here for like 10 minutes. Hopper sat on the couch with Joyce, staring at the floor, obviously worried about El.

"It's not bullshit Mike, that's your whole problem! And it's precisely the reason why she dumped your ass!"
I looked back at them. I was shocked, El and Mike had been together for like a year and a half, they spent all their time together. I guess I had noticed they weren't talking much.

Nancy must've been as shocked as me because she asked "El dumped you?"
"Yeah because she's corrupting her! Turning her against us!"

Will was probably as annoyed as me. "Why are we even talking about this? It dosen't matter!"
"Yes it does!" Mike said, as a rebuttal. "They spied on us!"
"We we're just messing around." Max rolled her eyes.
"Oh yeah? Wouldn't it have been funny if I was taking a massive sh-"
"Hey!" Hopper yelled. Everyone stopped. "Would you both just be quiet. She won't be able to focus."

Everyone quieted down.
We heard the faint noise of Joyce comforting Hopper.
"Well El knows her limits better than everyone" I said. I wanted to be in this conversation too. "She's her own person."
Mike looked at me, obviously ready to start an argument with me, which scared me. He's a good arguer.
"I don't want her to die for nothing!"
Nancy looked offended. "For nothing?! Mike the flayed are still out there! Killing,"
Lucas joined in. "Flaying"
"Still! I don't want her to die looking for the Flayed when they've obviously vanished off the face of the earth, so can we please stop talking about this because I love her and I can't loose her again!"
Everyone went silent. Lucas smirked, Nancy looked completely shocked. Just then, Eleven walked out of her bedroom, blood dripped out of her nose.
"What's..going on?"

El didn't have very good english, and I understood. In the Lab, they don't teach you to speak much. When El first got here all she could say is her name, bad men, no, yes, and papa. I was lucky enough to have escaped at an earlier age, so I wasn't that underdeveloped.

Mike answered quickly. "Nothing!"
"Just family discussion." Lucas said with a smirk.
"Oh." El said.

We all looked expectantly at El, all of us thinking the same thing.
"I found them." She looked up at us. Everyone looked realived.

El went and sat on the ground, as Hopper turned the tv to static. She put on her blindfold as everyone sat on the couch, obviously on edge.
Her nose started bleeding as we all sat in silence, then she ripped off the blindfold and turned to us.
"He' his room."
Max looked confused. "Billy in his room on the 4th of July? That's not normal."
El walked over to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
Nancy replied. "He wants us to find him. It's a trap. If we find Billy, the rest of the flayed know where we are. We need to find the source."
El walked over to us. "He knows it. Billy. He knows the source. I can find him."
Everyone looked at her, concerned. She had pretty much used up all her powers, she would be drained if she did this, and we will probably need her abilities later.
They all turned to me, expectantly.
"I'll find him. Me and El share most of the same abilities, so i can do it."
Steve looked at me concerned. He hated when I used my powers. "Ok, don't die idiot." Steve said. Yes he's sounded like a asshole I know, but that's his way of showing that he cares. I sat on the ground and pulled out the blindfold. Joyce gave me a hug.
"You'll be ok honey. We're right here." She said in a comforting tone.
Joyce was one of the kindest people I know, but she can also be a total badass.
Nancy dropped down on the floor next to me.

"Please be careful Kie. Don't strain yourself."
"I won't. I promise."
I put on the blindfold and got ready for what was to come.

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