Chapter 2

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𝘞𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘚𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘱𝘴. The usually short car ride always feels excruciatingly long whenever Steve starts singing, but eventually we made it. Its a good thing too, because if he sang one more song i probably would have lost it.

I opened the car door and got out. The parking lot of Starcourt Mall was actually empty, as it usually was during the early morning. The mall doesn't open until 9am so it really wasn't a surprise that no one was there, except for employees and janitors who work there.

"Race you inside" Robin said as she smirked.

I laughed quietly. "Your on. Did you forget that I beat you both yesterday?"

All three of us ran was fast was we could across the parking lot. Steve almost tripped and fell, which made me laugh, and i slowed down. Robin got to the entrance before me and Steve this time.

"Ha! I won!"

"That's not fair at all! Steve tripped and it made me laugh!" I exclaimed.

"Wow." Steve said in a straight tone. "Laughing at my pain. What a nice sister."

I started to laugh when Robin said "Hey! We should probably get going."

We walked into the building in our Scoops Ahoy uniforms. Steve scoffed.

"This stupid hat! Everyday it ruins my chances with the ladies!"

Robin laughed. "Yeah that's what's ruining your chances."

I looked around the mall. It was really big for a pretty poor town. I mean, as far as i've noticed a bunch of stores have closed down since it opened. I assumes its because everyone would rather go to the mall. My mind started to wander more and more until I heard an announcment over the mall speakers.

"Attention employees! The mall will be opening in 5 minutes!"

I looked back at the entrance, and saw a bunch of cars already in the parking lot.

"Shit!" Steve said as he ran down the escalator and into the ice-cream parlor.

Me and Robin quickly caught up and we put down our bags and got everything ready. No body ever comes in for ice-cream at 9am, but if everything's not set up by 9, then the manager will be on your back forever.

I watched as people started walking into the beloved mall, and was grateful that I worked at an ice-cream shop and not a clothes store, because its too early for any costumers.

Steve looked over at me. "You know Dustin's home from camp right?"

"I completely forgot about that oh my god! I cant wait to see him!"

"He got home yesterday I think but obviously he didn't stop by." Steve said, he sounded a little disappointed.

Robin interrupted the conversation. "Dustin? That kid you always talk about?"

Steve scoffed. "yes, Robin. I think you'll like him. He's a complete nerd though"

Robin responded with the simple answer of, "nice".

I looked over at all the people walking around the mall, i liked people watching. It was entertaining to see what people do throughout the day. I was completely focused on a few teenagers buying clothes from the gap, when she walked by.

Nancy Wheeler. The girl who hated me.

She was walking around with Johnathan Byers, her boyfriend. When he walked into a rnadom store I noticed that Nancy was just sitting alone, so I went to talk to her.

"Hey! Where are you going!" Steve yelled as I ran out the door.

I caught up with Nancy and sat down next to her.

"Hey Nance! How are you?" I said, trying to sound as cheerful as possible.

Nancy looked over and glared at me. "I'm fine." I could tell she was looking into the store to see when Johnathan would come out.

'Oh! Well that's good..!" I really was trying to make small talk, she could at least make an effort to acknowledge me after pretty much saving her ass whenever we have to fight something (which is more than you'd think).

I realized I was being a little harsh. I kind of was the reason she lost her best friend, and as much as I hated her for it, she can hate me as much as she wants.

"Listen." Nancy finally said. "We don't have to pretend to be friends, or something like that. We only need to talk when its time to save the world again, which shouldn't happen, so lets just not talk." She got up and walked into the store with Johnathan.

I looked down at the dirty old shoes on my feet. Understandable. She doesn't have to like me, but it's official.

                           I hate Nancy Wheeler

a/n: OMG. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT SO FAR! ITS BEEN SO AMAZING AND SO OVERWELHMING! As usual PLEASE give feedback on characters, relationships, and where I should take this story! Sorry its a little short (I just got my covid vaccine) but hopefully Chapter 3 should be out soon! Hope you guys enjoyed, love you! <3

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