Chapter 5

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We walked into Scoops, and everyone watched us walk in.

"Ok, so whats the plan?" Nancy asked, prominently. I looked over and saw Johnathan, and remembered how much they loved each other. They'd been dating for about a year, and he was absolutely in love with her.
Mike was the first to speak up. "The Sauna. Remember how last fall, we had to pretty much burn the Flayer out of Will. Well, we can trap Billy in the Sauna, and then put it on maximum heat. If he reacts badly, then we'll know for sure that he's the host."

Nancy and I looked at each other, she mouthed, "let's do it."
I nodded and looked back at everyone. "I'm in."
We ran out of Scoops, and closed down the shop. We all had to pile into Nancy's station wagon. I sat in the trunk with El, Max, and Will.

I looked over at Max. As much of an asshole Billy was, he's still her brother, and I wanted to make sure she was ok.  "Hey Max, are you alright?" I asked. She really was a strong kid. Billy's totally abusive towards her, and I know she just pretends it doesn't happen.
Max responded quickly, "Yeah, It's better we find out now then when he starts trying to kill people." I laughed a little bit, then noticed that El was staring at me. Not in a 'I'm gonna use my powers on you' way, more in a 'I know your secret' way, and I think i'd prefer her to use her powers on me.
We arrived at Hawkins Pool, and luckily it was just about to close. We started grabbing some chains and such from a bunch of supply closets. Then the pool was closed, and it was game time.

We used an audio recording of Mike voice to make Billy mad, and it was working. He was getting closer. I heard him running through the locker room and then out he came running into the sauna.
"Now!" Yelled Mike, as Max and I shut the door and locked the chains.
Will started turning up the heat as Billy started banging on the door.

"Let me out you shits!"
Max jumped back and stood next to Lucas and El.
I looked over at everyone, who was just watching him slam on the doors. I stepped back next to Nancy and Steve.
"I swear to god I'll f*cking kill you!"

Max winced and then stepped closer, as Billy sat down.
He started crying, which I thought was a bit suspicious. Max looked like she had a tear rolling down her face, and I think we all felt bad.
"We're gonna get you out Billy. We're gonna help you" Max said, through tears.
Billy started crying harder. "He made me do it Max. I didn't want to but he made me."
Max looked confused.

"Made you do what Billy? What did you do?"

I looked over at Billy, and stepped a little closer to Max. I saw his hand slowly reach for a piece of glass. My eyes widened.
"Heather. He made me-" BOOM! He busted the door open.
"MAX WATCH OUT!" I yelled as she ran from the door.
I bolted towards the sauna door and tried to shove his hands away from the doorknob so he couldn't get out. Billy struggled as he suddenly reached for my arm and grabbed it with a strong grip.
"Shit!" I yelled. He was really strong and he started crushing my arm. "Get off of me!"
I struggled to push his arm away as Steve came running at us with a pole. He hit Billy's arm and he let go of me. I feel to the ground as Steve kept hitting Billy. I started feeling a sharp pain in the side of my forehead before realizing that I hit my head on the doorknob. Eventually Billy got the upper-hand by punching Steve square in the face, then he escaped.

Nancy ran over to me and grabbed my hand. She helped me up and we ran over to El, hand in hand.
Mike ran over to Billy and tried hitting him, but Billy just threw him aside. He was staring El and I down. Nancy didn't seem to notice that Billy was after us, so I shoved her aside. El raised her arm and threw Billy against the wall. With blood running out of her nose she ran over to him and lifted him up, using her mind. She started choking him before he whipped  his arm at her and knocked her to the floor.

"El!" Mike screamed, still on the ground.
I started running over to Billy, then looked back at Steve, who was getting up. I turned back to look at Billy and lifted my arm. I started lifting him up, mirroring what El had just done, and I threw him onto the ground.
"Guys run!" I yelled as I wiped my nose.
Nancy stood there starstruck.
"Go go go!"
We started running and I grabbed Nancy's hand. We ran into the car and Johnathan started driving.

El grabbed my arm and wiped of the makeup.
"007" she said. Steve sighed.
Nancy looked betrayed. "Wait Kie..your like El? You have powers?"
I nodded, accepting defeat.
"And you never told me..?"
I felt bad that I hadn't told them. "Yeah. Steve was the only person who knew."
I looked down as I started to push my hair out of my face.
Nancy turned around in her seat to look at me then gasped.
"Kie...Your bleeding. Bad."
a/n: Hey guys! This chapter might have some spelling errors since I had to write it on my phone and not my computer like usual, but I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for the support, it means so so so so much! I love you all! <3

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