Chapter 7: Elders

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Slipping off my gear, I try to process the experience within the safety of my quarters. A few sharks at least seem to have found lodging within the scavenging grounds. I can't help but to think I jinxed it with my fib from yesterday that I fed to Finn. Sharks weren't an uncommon danger to divers, but they haven't come to this part of the ocean in years. I will have to alert the Elders when I speak with them today.

Throwing on a gray dress, I lock in my destination. As the wind danced around me, I felt the edge of my dress tickling my shins. I peeled back the flaps to the Elder's Hut and slipped inside. Seeing all five Elders before me, I bowed my head slightly in respect.

"Now, now, dear. Lift your head. You have decided down this path then?"

I searched his features which were filled with sorrow, finding a hidden glimmer of excitement tucked in his eyes. "I have, Elder."

"Very well, dear. Come closer."

I peeled myself from the entrance and found my place standing before them at the center of the hut.

"Before we begin, Elder Kane tells me you haven't delivered rations today. This is the second time in the past week, Miss Miller. Do you have an explanation, child?"

"Yes, Elder. It was my intention to discuss this with you. Sharks have inhabited the current scavenging grounds. I apologize for not bringing it to your attention sooner, Elder."

"Jamison, please see to it that new areas are scouted for the divers and that The Fabricators create new maps."

Turning to address me once more, Elder Tham shifts the conversation.

"What have you heard about The Hidden thus far, child?"

"Only rumors, Elder. That they are bloodthirsty monsters that disrupt the ecosystem."

"Do you believe you have seen one that day, dear? On your first dive."

"I cannot say for sure. What I saw appeared human, Elder."

They can't be one in the same, right? They don't seem to be terrible enough to grant such terrible tales.

With a grave look, Elder Tham held a downward gaze. "Dear, from the knowledge we have been granted by Elders of old, they do appear human as a means of deception. You mustn't be fooled. Child, as I am sure you have been told in lessons from The Scholars, there were many religions before The Great Flood. Is that correct?"

"Yes, Elder."

"We don't have documentation of these religions, many were passed down by word of mouth. As different as the religions were, they all held one belief; demons. Creatures of darkness with one single desire; to snuff out the light."

I stepped back slightly. Is there really such a thing that exists?

"Dear, we believe The Hidden to be demons, able to shift their form, constantly being devoured limb by limb by their own darkness. They are evil beings, and they spread their evil upon all who come across them. It is how they survive. If they maintain this tradeoff, they are all but immortal." His eyes softened as he watched my features fade into terror.

"I warned you of the darkness of this very conversation, child. If you do not believe yourself strong enough to take on the rest of this information, I suggest you go home."

"No!" I slipped, "I mean... I'm sorry, Elder. That was disrespectful of me." I panicked at my sudden outburst, bowing my head once more.

"Look at me, dear. Just tell me if you would like for me to continue."

"Yes, Elder. Please."

"Elder Penn, could you take over? Your insight may be helpful for the girl." Elder Tham prompted.

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