sneaking out

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neil- neil, ever the dramatic, decided that hallways were too easy. despite your room being on the second floor, he thought the window was the obvious, and totally not impossible choice. he woke you up by throwing gravel at your window and whisper-shouting "rapunzel!" to you until you pushed the window open and asked him what the hell he was doing. the conversation went as follows. 

neil, what the fuck?

rapunzel, let down your hair!

what are you doing? its 2am

do you have a ladder?

neil, why the hell would i have a ladder?

guess i'll climb then

he did not climb, and you had to go meet him in the courtyard. he spent the rest of the night devising plans to make it to your window and into your room. 

todd- todd was too nervous to sneak out on his own, so the midnight excursion involved you sneaking into his room to convince him to come to yours (inciting a ten minute debate) and then holding his hand the entire way, finally ending with him panicking about someone finding out. kissing him quickly shut him up and you two spent the rest of the night watching movies and cuddling. 

charlie-  you hadn't been asleep for very long when you heard a noise outside your door, followed by the doorknob rattling quietly. you moved slowly out of bed and onto your feet, picking up the book on your nightstand on the way. the moon was covered by clouds and it was so dark you could see hardly a thing. when you heard the creak of the door opening, you took a shot in the dark and threw the book as hard as you could. you heard a soft "ow" come from the doorway, an ow you recognized. 


heya hotstuff, you got a good arm

what are you doing in my room?

well, i was trying to be cute and romantic, but now i've just got a bruise

you tried to make up for the bruise in cuddles and kisses, and it eventually worked. 

knox- knox didn't seem worried about being caught whatsoever, or maybe he just thought he was being quiet. he strolled down the hallway and knocked loudly on your door, even announcing it was him, as if anyone else was going to be knocking at your door during this hour. he brought snacks, whose wrappers crinkled loudly, and you had to constantly remind him to be quieter when he started to laugh loudly or thump his way around the room. either way, you both had a good time. 

pitts- you had told pitts that you were having trouble sleeping the past few nights and this sweet boy WORRIED and immediately came up with a plan. he packed stuff like chamomile tea and blankets and waited until it was dark enough to sneak through the halls to your door. he knocked so quietly that you almost didn't hear him at first, but answered the door demanding answers right away. the little basket of stuff made you shut up write away though. it was the best sleep you had had in a while. 

meeks-  you had left your favourite pen in the library by accident, and instead of just going to get it the next day like normal people, you two decided to make it an adventure. you dressed up like spies and learned hand signals and codes and pretended you were in a movie the whole time, even "extracting" the pen with tweezers. to anyone else, this might've seemed ridiculous and childish, but it was the most fun you've ever had. 

(a/n: thank you to @roselovesdps for the suggestion! i hope you like it<3)

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