their response to compliments

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neil- lots of people call neil pretty all the time, but that doesn't mean he's any less flustered; especially when it comes to you. whenever you call him pretty his face turns bright red and he tries to laugh it off with a joke, but you always end up winning to compliment war.

todd- like neil, todd gets super flustered when you compliment him, but instead of making jokes, he just gives you a kiss on the nose and whispers a thank you. 

charlie- "i know, darling" did you really expect any other reaction from charlie?

knox- this boy is absolutely smitten with you, and when you compliment him, he immediately has at least 20 to give back to you, and nothing you say can stop him. 

pitts- poor pittsie baby is so awkward when it comes to compliments. he has no idea what to do when you compliment him so he just hugs you really tight, but on the inside he is screaming. 

meeks- meeks usually responds with a simple thank you, and maybe a bit of blushing, but he always has compliments to give to you, and is unafraid to do so. 

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