you fall asleep on them

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neil- neil was going into a full rant about the history of shakespearean acting when you fell asleep on his shoulder. he was a bit mad at first but how could he stay mad when you looked so damn cute and so clearly needed to rest. he continued to talk anyways because he can't stop when he starts and his voice was so relaxing. 

todd- todd panicked. you were both just cuddling together in his room when you fell asleep, book still in your hands, and todd had no idea what to do. his mind went to all the worst places, and he somehow convinced himself you just died in his arms and how the hell could he explain that to everyone??? he shook you awake only to receive grumpy questions and sleepy grunts, which satisfied his anxious mind enough to let you go back to sleep. 

charlie- poor charlie wanted so badly to let you sleep, but he is always moving and woke you up constantly. in actuality, you didn't mind, but he felt awful about it and insisted on putting you in his bed and tucking you in to sleep while he sat on the floor. 

knox- knoxious was delighted to see how relaxed you were around him when you fell asleep with your head in his lap in the commons room, but he was still fidgety. so he braided and rebraided you hair like a million times until the one strand was curled and funny looking. 

meeks- it was a strange moment of pda for meeks and you when you nuzzled into him while studying in the library, but he let it happen anyways. he knew you had been tired all week so he let you rest there. he didn't want to wake you at all, so he sat completely still for half an hour before you woke up and he finally got to move and stretch, his back sore. he jokingly complained but you knew he didn't actually care, as long as you were happy. 

pitts- you were tired, and tried desperately to stay awake during your picnic, but the sun was so warm and his breathing was so relaxing and you couldn't help but close your eyes for a little bit. little did you know, he also fell asleep with his arm over you, abandoning all of the food to the ants and staying there until well into the night. 

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