first date

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neil- being the nerd he is, neil took you to an abandoned playhouse. he packed a few snacks and a bottle of wine and helped you through the open window by holding your waist. the two of you spent the night exploring every inch of the cobweb- covered theatre and dramatically reciting shakespeare on the cracked stage, feigning sword fights and death scenes. 

todd- todd decided to take you to a bookstore, knowing that literature and poetry was an interest the both of you shared. he basically had to hold your hand to keep you from running to every corner, and laughed at your enthusiasm. he ended up buying every book you showed an interest in, complaints erupting from you over how expensive they were, but he said he didn't mind at all, as long as it made you happy. 

charlie- charlie decided to be the classic perfect gentleman, and pick you up in his dads car and take you to a fancy restaurant downtown. he muttered compliments to you all night and made stupid jokes that almost made you fall over in your chair from laughing too hard. at one point, he joked that you two should reenact the scene from "lady and the tramp" and promptly ordered spaghetti to do so, but it deemed itself to be harder than you thought. you couldn't stop laughing and dropping the noodle, and he kept slurping loudly. eventually, there were too many complaints from the other patrons and you were forced to leave. 

knox- being the romantic he is, knox managed to befriend the kitchen staff enough to convince them to whip up a picnic for your date. he- with the help of his friends- set up an elaborate scene near the lake, complete with fairy lights and candles. he recited sappy poetry to you and couldn't help repeating how beautiful you looked the whole night. you felt honoured the whole time as he treated you like a goddess. it was the best date you had ever been on. 

pitts- your first date was bittersweet, as it was time to let bun back into the wild. he refuses to admit it, but he cried a little when he watched the sweet bunny hop away while you held onto his hand for comfort. for the rest of the date, the two of you walked around, picking flowers and giving little rocks to each other, talking about whatever crossed your minds. the night ended with watching the sunset and laying together, legs intertwined. 

meeks- meeks set up a study date for the both of you, as you were both very intellectually inclined, but there ended up not being much studying. you talked about your hobbies and interests outside of school, cracking jokes and sharing stories with your books wide open in front of you. you came to discover that meeks had a lot more in his mind than just latin and trig, and that he was actually quite invested in poetry, and he actually invited you to a dead poets meeting, to which you gladly agreed to. 

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