14. Melkyal

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Sanna was the fire. It felt like a thousand flames exploded and ravaged my whole body when her lips touched mine. My mind was screaming at me to stop it before it was too late, that this would never work, not while we belonged to two different worlds.

But how could it be wrong if it felt so right? As if all the elements have finally fallen into their places. Before I could make any coherent thought, my arms closed around her, pressing her tightly to my chest, and I returned the kiss eagerly. She seemed surprised at first but seized the moment and her clawed fingers tangled into my hair.

Before we got out of breath, someone harrumphed loudly.

We froze, exchanging dazed and confused glances, and quickly disentangled our limbs.

An Angel of Courage, the one that guarded the gardens today, stood at the entrance and stared intently at the slowly brightening eastern sky, pretending very hard he saw nothing. His flushed face told a different story.

I cleared my throat and ran a hand through my hair, hoping it would make it look less messy. "Yes?"

"All the preparations are done, sir. You can proceed to the court chamber now."

"Oh, right, of course. We'll be on our way in a second."

The Angel of Courage nodded and left the garden as swiftly as if the pack of Hell Hounds chased him.

"We shall go now," Sanna said in a low and rough voice. She avoided my gaze and tried to walk past me, but I caught her elbow. Her face seemed to have a darker tint of red than before.

"Wait. Shouldn't we talk about it?" I asked hesitantly. My heart was still hammering in my chest, and I felt strangely lightheaded.

She shrugged. "There's nothing to talk about. It was just a kiss, nothing more. I shouldn't have done that."

"I wouldn't call that just a kiss."

"Ugh, fine!" she huffed like an angry cat. "You want to talk about mushy stuff? All right, but not now. We have places to be and things to do. You are an Archangel of Justice, remember? Keep your cool." She patted my shoulder and wrenched her elbow from my grip.

"Very well. But we will talk. After the trial."

"Sure we will. Now wipe that foolish grin off your face. You look stupid," Sanna hissed, stalking towards the archway out.

I could not wipe that grin off, even if I tried.


The courtroom was a massive amphitheatre under the open sky. The ascending rows of benches were already almost full despite the early hours. For some reason, angels always liked to witness criminal trials. I couldn't blame them. Serving justice and punishing those who thought themselves above the law was satisfying. The order had to be preserved to ensure the peaceful existence of all.

But was this order perfect? I rubbed my jaw, stealing a side glance at Sanna sitting next to me. She was tense as a bowstring, ready to jump at any sign of danger. We sat on the witness' bench on the side of the centre scene so everyone could see us. I looked up at the audience. Multicoloured feathers made countless rainbows along the theatre's walls. They all stared at us. At her. Some faces were twisted with disgust and disbelief, but many were curious.

It gave me hope that not all of my people were prejudiced.

"How much longer are we going to sit here pointlessly?" Sanna whispered, her brows furrowed. "I'm not some freak in a cage for all to stare at."

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