8.2 Melkyal

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Trigger warning: gambling, mild violence 

Sannarah was right; it was a different kind of establishment. Demons and humans alike crowded several tables that hosted games of cards, dice, or other matches I didn't know. Every few moments, angry or happy shouts erupted in different places, and coins or metal chips exchanged hands.

"There," Sannarah grabbed my elbow to get my attention and pointed to the table in the far corner, where the familiar-looking demon with bat wings sat hunching down over cards. "Let's not let him run this time."

I nodded, and we slowly approached, though there was no need for stealth. The Greed Demon was so focused on his game that he saw nothing except the cards that the croupier was slowly putting on the table.

"That's two Demons and a Sorcerer on the table," the Fallen announced after putting down the cards and looking at the three remaining players. "What's your stakes, gentlemen?"

"I raise," said the burly, brown-skinned demon with biceps the size of my head, throwing a handful of chips to the centre of the table.

The croupier's eyes flew over them as he did a quick count and announced in a bored tone. "Raised by fifty shards. Call or fold?"

"I call." An old man in dark robes pushed his chips towards the big pile.

All eyes at the table turned to the remaining demon. Our suspect bit his lower lip and narrowed his eyes, staring at his cards as if he could turn them into a favourable hand with his will. He raised a shaking hand and pushed most of his chips. "I reraise. Five hundred."

"You're bluffing!" the burly demon scoffed, his knuckles turning white.

"Call or fold?" the croupier asked patiently.

"Call!" the demon growled, shoving more of his chips forward.

"I drop," the old man said, discarding his hand face down.

As interesting as the game seemed, I wanted to grab the Greed Demon and press him for answers, but Sannarah sensed my anguish and just raised a hand, signalling me to wait.

"Final card," the croupier announced and drew one last card from the deck, putting it face up. "Third Demon. The final set is three Demons and a Warlock."

The burly demon sniggered, clearly pleased with the outcome and pushed all his chips forward. "All in."

I turned to Greed Demon, but he was no longer anxious. A smug smile brightened his weasel-like face, and he knocked on the table once. "I call."

"You're a fool!" the other demon roared and threw his two cards at the table face up. "I have two Sorcerers, so it's a Dark Pact! Try to beat that, you bugger!"

The Greed Demon grinned. "What a shame, such a good hand! But unfortunately for you, my dear friend, luck is with me today." He raised his hand theatrically and let the cards fall on the table, revealing a pair of Demons. "I have two Demons, which makes Hell On Earth. I won."

"What?! That's impossible! You cheating scumbag!" The brown-skinned stood abruptly, toppling down his chair and grabbing a huge axe hanging at his belt. 

A hearty laugh broke the tension before he could charge at his grinning opponent. 

The old sorcerer patted his burly companion. "He didn't cheat. I enchanted the table. You saw yourself. You just got expertly played. Let it go, buddy."

The demon huffed, turned on his heel and stomped away.

"Yes! You are mine, sweet chips! Come to daddy!" the Greed Demon chirped, gathering all his won shards as if he wanted to embrace them.

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