5. Sannarah

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I was close to finally getting that slimy excuse of a demon who got me into this mess. But as I was about to jump to another rooftop, my skin prickled. A heavy scent of dark magic filled the alleyways below.

I couldn't help but stop and look down to see what caused it. Dark magic usage was illegal, but both demons and sorcerers found ways around the law. The key was using it moderately not to gain too much attention from humans. We all had dealings with mortals, so it was not good for business to aggravate them by showing off. If we were too bold, humans could feel threatened, and those ruled by fear quickly turn into violent mobs.

Yet, someone seemed to go all out. I spotted dark agile shapes trotting through the narrow streets, red eyes burning in the dark.

Hell Hounds.

Summoning one or two to threaten late debtors was nothing new or uncommon, but the whole fricking pack? Why would they even need so many? The night quiet was broken by growls, whines and a painful cry.

Oh, right. The Golden Boy.

I turned on my heel and ran towards the sounds of the fight, grabbing a whip tucked onto my belt and unfurling it on the way. Luckily, I didn't have to run far. I had no idea how an archangel could hold against a herd of Hell Hounds without his powers.

When I got to the end of the rooftop, I didn't even slow down, just jumped over the ledge.

I landed in a crouch, taking a moment to orient myself. Golden Boy had his back to the wall, and his sword was already slick with hounds' dark blood. But his breath was heavy, and his left shoulder was bleeding profusely.

So much blood. He's weak as a kitten now. Let's strike him down and get rid of him for good.

We will not. He's an archangel, and we can't just kill him and not trigger an immediate retaliation from Heaven.

Oh, but we could do it quietly and hide the body. It's not like you haven't done it before.

Not the time! I shoved the voice down and looked up at the Hell Hounds, frozen in half motion, surprised by my sudden appearance. I growled, letting the power trickle through the blocker and filling it with malice and wrath.

The creatures whined and backed away with tails between their legs but still lingered. I got back up to my full height, which may not be very impressive, but when you add a sharp crack of the whip to it, you suddenly look more imposing.

"Down, boys!" The hounds quickly flattened themselves on the ground, trembling.

Golden Boy murmured something under his breath but then harrumphed and said louder. "That's a neat trick." 

"They are creatures of the night, just like demons. Sorcerers can summon and bind them to do their bidding, but they cannot go against us." I strolled towards the closest hound and crouched, scratching it behind the ear. The creature tilted its head, and its tail wagged happily. "Consider your last order void, my pets. I need only one of you. The rest of you can go back."

The hounds perked up, and with short bark, they turned to dark smoke, leaving just the one lying at my feet. The creature looked at me with glowing red eyes waiting for a new command. I patted its head gently.

"Stay around. I will call upon you later to ask for your assistance."

The hound barked once in confirmation, got back to its paws and trotted away into the dark alleyways.

I straightened and turned to Golden Boy with arms crossed. "I leave you alone for two seconds, and you are already in trouble."

"I'm honestly surprised you came back," he replied mockingly. But something in his golden eyes told me that bewilderment was genuine. "If you let the dogs do their job or joined them, I would be in real trouble."

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