37| fear

781 24 74

1st person Y/N POV

! mentions vomiting and slight gore!



I'm knocked out, but I wake up almost instantly, my lungs burning. I had the wind knocked out of me when my back hit the corner of a table. my eyes are blurry for a moment, and I can't exactly make out what opened the doors so fast, but it pools like a table was thrown through them, seeing as a big table was on the ground right in front of Me, my leg trapped underneath it.

When I tried to move my leg, stinging pain shot up through my body, making me gasp. I moaned as I lifted the table slightly, just enough to pull my leg out. Part of my knee and down my calf was already turning a purplish-blue from bruising, but it wasn't broken.

I stand up slowly, holding to the wall, and catch myself, hugging the exterior as I inch my way to the room, poking my head inside. I feel when I see what's going on.

Michael stood over a pile of scrap metal and tangled wires, a large metal bar in one of his hands...his other arm was completely missing, and I don't want to find out where it is.

Judging by the dents in the metal, he was beating it just seconds before...it was slowly twitching, moaning as it tried desperately to move...any time it did, however, Michael came down on it hard with that metal bar. he looked like he had been crying.

he was an ugly Crier.

he turned his head quickly when I groaned. I put pressure on my leg. His eyes looked crazy, and he held the bar up in defense, making me withdraw.

"don't hurt me!" I said, holding one of my hands up in front of me. My body was shaking. I don't know why I'm so terrified.

"Y/N-" He said, approaching me quicker than I wanted, that bar held tightly in his fist.

"get away from me!" I shouted. He looked horrified when he turned to face me. his clothes were ripped, showing large marks, which made him look like he had been mauled. his face looked even more sunken than usual, and...well, HIS WHOLE ARM WAS GONE. It was terrifying. He was running at me, that metal piece waving in his hand. I backed up quickly, backing myself against one of the walls.

"Y/N-" He said

"Don't hurt me!" I gasped. "please- don't-"

"im not going to hurt you!" He shouted at me, his voice already hoarse. he looked desperate, baring his teeth at me as he only came closer.



"oh my god..." I gasped

"light of my life!" He shouted again, reaching out to me using the piece of metal, I flinched when it came near me.

"Please...please don't hurt me..." My voice cracked. my face felt hot.

"im not going to hurt you! please..." He now stood in front of me, his back hunched slightly. He was hyperventilating...he looked in pain. I believe it. "please, it's okay."

I heard the metal piece clink onto the ground, and then his one hand come up and caress my cheek. he barely touched me, but it was enough to tickle, which made me flinch. I squeezed my eyes shut, cringing when he got so close...the smell of rotting blood ad flesh on him was nauseating...

I gagged, then I felt my stack clench as my body forced whatever I had eaten that morning up to my throat. I ended up vomiting...I heard him gasp when I bent over, holding my stomach. it ended up getting mostly on him since he was standing so close...

"oh...my love.." He said softly, rubbing my back with that sad one hand he had. (if you do have a bit of longer hair) he moved his hand up my neck and to my cheek, where he moved my hair away from my face. strands of it stuck to my face and got in my mouth. despite me sweating and then vomiting all over him, he still became gentle when he touched me.

I groaned, kneeling, holding my stomach. he came down with me, scooping his one arm around me and holding me close to his chest, which made my stomach even worse...he was covered in open wounds and blood...metal shavings stuck out of some of the wounds, making it hurt when he pressed my face against his chest.

"it's okay." He said slowly, rubbing his hand on the small of my back. "it won't hurt you- I won't hurt you-" He reassured. "I hit it hard enough, it should be okay."

"what was that?" my voice shook. I felt my body trying to make me vomit again, but all I could do was dry heave, which made my stomach and chest hurt.

"im not sure...an amalgamation, I'm guessing..." He said slowly, turning his head to look back into the room, which was quiet. "I recognized the face it had...it was parts of a broken metal bear...but those wires weren't just from him. I felt...a connection with it, much like I do to some of the others." He explained, helping me stand. The side of my face was now slightly cut up and bleeding from my being pressed up against him.

I heard him curse as he ran his finger across the cuts on my cheek, which made me wince.

"im so sorry." He huffed. "god...I'm awful." He withdrew from me and went to the closet where we kept the cleaning supplies. he took out the first aid kit and handed it to me.

"is it bad?" I said quickly.

"oh, no no..my love, but it's still bleeding. will you get a bandage for me? and that black bottle..." He pointed. he couldn't open the bottle, and he made me pour some of it only gauze.

"noooo..." I groaned. it was peroxide...

"im sorry, I know, it will only sting for a moment..." He said as he held the gauze against my cheek...the peroxide burned and stung...I felt like crying. "I know...I know." He said softly, wiping my cheek with the gauze, making me wince and moan when he pulled it away. the sudden cold on my face somehow felt worse...

"shit." I cursed, exhaling softly as he managed to open a bandage with his teeth and one hand.

"I know, I'm so sorry." His voice was now trembling, and his hand was shaking as he put the bandage on my face, pressing it down firmly. "see? it'd all done, it's okay." He sighed, holding me once more. "my love?"

I Hummed in response, my body trembling. I felt sick...

"Listen to me, okay? I need you to go home." He caressed my cheek once more, making me look up at him. "I need to clean up this mess, okay? But I need you to go home where it's safe. I'll be there as soon as I can, do you understand what I'm saying?"

I nodded, and he leaned down, kissing me on the lips. he tasted of blood, and I wanted to gag.

"okay. I love you, okay? do you understand me?" His voice was trembling even more now. "please, go." He turned me around quickly and pushed me to the double doors at the front. despite only having one arm, he opened the door for me and helped me out. "be safe. I'll be back before you know it, yeah?" he paused. "I promise."

I turned around to look at him.

"Okay..." I said slowly. he waved as I turned around and left.

"I love you!" He called out again....then the doors shut, and I was left to the silent of the street.


Thanatophobia| MICHAEL AFTON x READERWhere stories live. Discover now