8| Unwrapping

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1st person. Y/N POV.

quick clarification. "My" version of Michael Afton in Pizza Sim is uh, a bit weird. I have heavy HC's of the remanence of the curse keeping him quite well preserved, seeing as that's how a lot of the suits are kept in "Working" order due to their curses. (Despite the fire in fnaf 3. Michael wasn't enclosed in any of those fires, so I don't think It would be logical to count him the same as the suit.

Anyways. What I am saying is.

Mr. Mikie isn't purple in this story...he's sort of grey-looking. Very discoloured. bare with me through this, even if how he looks doesn't exactly make sense...I feel like a purple dude would freak anyone out.


"Do you want to come in?" My voice cracked as I spoke quickly, shifting awkwardly over to the steps so I could buzz in. I saw his face drop, and it made my stomach flip.


"Sorry, that was a stupid question," I said quickly. He seemed to flinch at my words.

"No no! I can come in if you want. I don't have a life outside of work anyways-" He said softly, shifting his weight onto one leg. He does this thing when he is nervous...His hands are held up to his chest, and he holds his left hand in his right, bending his fingers and cracking the knuckles in them while he talks. I think it's sort of funny.

"Ah! Cool cool...er..." I push my key into the doorknob of the apartment building and push open the door. "Come on then."

He didn't say anything else, but I felt his presence beside me as I took the stairs up to my flat. It was on the fifth floor. he eyed the walls and seemed to examine every framed painting we walked by in the stairwell. I couldn't tell if he was judging or not, but he looked very serious. When we found my door, I silently pushed my key in and opened it up. I let myself inside first, and he closed the door behind us.

He didn't say anything until we reached the sitting room, which was to the left of the mud hall.

"This looks nice." He motioned to the sitting room. grinning as he observed everything. I have no idea what his living conditions are, but he was impressed by mine.

"Thanks," I said shortly, taking a seat on the loveseat. He joined me on the cushion to my left. "I try to keep it clean. I don't have many guests, however."

"I see...I think it is quite nice." He shrugged. I felt my face heat up.

We both fell silent. I could tell he felt uncomfortable, but I don't know if it was from me or from the way he was sitting. He constantly reached his hands up to scratch at his neck or his face, and he hunched over slightly his leg bouncing.

"Do your bandages itch?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows as he turned his head quickly in my direction.

"Er...A bit. I usually swap them out around this hour, but it's fine. Im fine." He shrugged, leaning back on the seat.

"I can help if you want," I suggested, seeing him tense. "I really don't mind, Mike. I don't care how you look, your comfort is a priority."

"Er..." He shifted uncomfortably, his hands in his lap. "Well...I don't know."

"hmm..." I hummed and stood up. I held my hands down for him to take to stand up. "Come on. Im sure it will be okay. Okay?" He stared up at me, but he didn't refuse my hands. His landed in mine, and I pulled him up and walked him to the loo. It was a two-room loo, one part with a large sink and giant wall mirror, and the other with the toilet and shower. I only took him into the room with the sink.

Thanatophobia| MICHAEL AFTON x READERWhere stories live. Discover now