22| As sweet as aspartame

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1st person. Michael Afton POV.

a bit of a short chapter. I'm sorry <3

I used my full body weight to push open the door, almost falling on my face as it swung open. I quickly picked myself up, my body jolting as an amalgamation of scrap wires and tangled, green, rotting animatronic plush lay holding onto Y/N, who currently lay motionless. I lifted my foot quickly, stomping at the robot as it clung onto Y/N, trying to drag them into the vent system with it. I managed to knock them apart.

I ended up snatching Y/N away first, yanking them by their arm, and quite literally pushing them out of the room. I tried grabbing the scrap wires, but they slid back into the vent before I could grab them. I'm not sure what I planned on doing once I grabbed them...

I quickly left the room, locking it behind me as I went. Y/N was still on the floor, hopefully just unconscious. When I reached down to them, they were warm. This kept my already dead heart still beating.

I scooped my arm under their legs, then the other under their neck and hoisted them up, carrying then bridal style to the front of the building. I almost dropped my keys trying to lock the doors and hold Y/N.

They shifted as I carried them down the street. I was no expert in Healthcare, so taking them to the emergency room was my first thought. I have not idea what that...thing could of Done in the short amount of time it held Y/N, but I'm not going to take any chances of internal bleeding or broken bones.

I almost got the cops called on me because I demanded they look at Y/N right away. they were idiots for wanting me to wait, especially with this severity? seriously? They could have a busted lung for all I know.


I waited in a small cramped room for what felt like a few hours. I wasn't allowed to be brought back with Y/N because I wasn't immediate family, but they promised that they would take care of them. My stomach hurt just thinking about everything. I've been horribly stressed the past few days.

After sitting on my phone and watching a DIY arts and crafts video on YouTube for a while, a different looking doctor came into the room with me. I stiffened as he set a few things down on the side counter. I didn't expect to be looked at...

"What's up?" I said too casually, my leg bouncing as I watched him move around the room.

"Y/N, are they your partner?" the man said. I nodded silently. "Ahh I see. they said that, I just wanted to ask."

"what are you doing? I thought I was just in here to wait?" I raised my eyebrows, still following thr man as he put a pair of tight, blue, latex gloves on.

"Y/N asked me to come see you. they said you have something going on with your torso? from chest to abdomen." He said, eyeing me slowly.

"It doesn't need checked out." I said quickly, furrowing my eyebrows as he approached.

"I insist. They said it looks pretty horrible..."


"If it is life threatening, sir, please let me look at it." He pressed, narrowing his eyes at me. I felt small compared to him, even if he was an old, round, balding man.

"er...." I hesitated. "I s'pose..." I slurred.

"Lovely...if you would remove your shirt, this should take more than a few minutes." He said, then went back to the counter, where he rearranged a few things. I slowly unbuttoned my shirt and let it hang on my shoulders. my torso was still wrapped tightly in bandages, which the man swiftly cut with scissors when he came back over.

Thanatophobia| MICHAEL AFTON x READERWhere stories live. Discover now