10| flowers

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1st person: Michael Afton POV.

BTW: Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I have D&D with my significant other and a few of my other mates down in Ightfield, so updates may be slow around those days.

I went on a date with my significant other today, and we chilled at my flat for a while, which is why this chapter is so late.


"Mikey Mouseee" I heard a cheery voice call from the other room.

I had spent the night at Y/N's place. I didn't want to burden them with it, but they insisted until I agreed. Currently, I'm making a drink for them. On Saturdays, the Pizzaria is closed, ironically, so I actually get to spend the morning with them. However, I will have to leave at some point to see if I can find any more unusual things in the back alley.

"Yes?" I replied softly to their odd nickname. Mikey mouse sounded like an off-brand version of Mickie Mouse...however, I think it's quite cute. I poured the drink into a tall glass and came back into the sitting room, where they lay on the long sofa, their feet propped up on the arm.

"Oh, you have my drink, thank you, Mikey." they sat up quickly and took the drink from my hands. I joined them on the cushion beside them.

"Only for the best," I said slowly, squinting my eyes at the controller as I flipped through channels on the telly. "Do they have The Immortal and The Restless on here?" I turned my head to look at Y/N, who scrunched up their face.

"I don't know what that is...probably not." They shrugged.

"I see..." I mumbled, turning off the telly and tossing the remote onto the loveseat. "I may have to head out in a bit, Y/N. I have work to do-"

"But the pizzeria is closed today..." They huffed, finally turning their head to look at me. "Spend time with me?"

"I spent all day with you, Y/N." I shook my head. "I have backroom work I need to do. Important things." I pushed.

"Please? Can I come with you?" They pressed, making me cringe slightly. "I don't have to be in the backroom with you. I'll clean up the kitchens or something?"

"No...Y/N, seriously, this is dangerous work." I turned my whole body so I face them, and I upped their cheeks in my hands, squishing their face slightly. "How about this-"

"Im listening."

"How about, I go out and do this work. It shouldn't take more than an hour, maybe two."


"Then I'll go to Tesco and bring you back something pretty. How does that sound? I'll come right back to your place once I'm done with a present?" I squinted my eyes at them, and their face scrunched up.

"mmm..." They hummed. "Okay, fine..." They groaned, their head falling back dramatically. I smiled, then let go of their face, letting them fall.

"Okay...cool, I'll be back then." I stood up and placed a blanket over them. they just groaned dramatically. Before I left, I went and got my hat from the sink in the loo...I had poorly wrapped my face the night before, so I quickly redid it before I left the loo. I got a thumbs up from Y/N before leaving the flat.

The walk to the Pizzaria was boring. I usually never left, and when I did, with was when Y/N was quite literally pulling me out. It was quiet now, and it made me a bit sad.

There was no animatronics scrapped in the back alley today. I was just met with a creepy sign attached to the chair, which made me want to leave the place even faster. I knew what these things were like. I knew what they were, and what they had done to them. I knew that one of them was my father.

But I couldn't linger inside too long without causing harm to myself. This would worry Y/N. I did a quick walkthrough of the place. I made sure kitchen inventory was in stock. I made sure table decor and cutlery were good, which it was, then I made sure the animatronics on the stage was clean. They terrified me.

When I left, I walked strangely quickly to Tesco, which seemed to take forever. The streets were oddly quiet, even though there were a lot of cars and people...a lot of them avoided me.

Tesco was mostly empty. It was never busy on Saturdays, weirdly enough...I squinted my eyes at the many many isles that covered the shop. I felt my stomach drop as I realized...

I don't know what they would want.

Their favorite colour was F/C. And they liked doing I/H(Insert hobby.) I knew that much, But I don't know what I could possibly get at Tesco that would satisfy their needs. I wandered around the store for at least an hour, searching every shelf and cabinet. I looked at every produce shelf...then I saw it.

It was a bouquet at F/C flowers. I don't know how much they would like them, but I grabbed the bouquet. I don't know what they smelled like, but I'm sure they wouldn't put bad-smelling flowers out on the floor.

I just paid £30 for these flowers...

The walk back to Y/N's place was cold and boring. I had my cellphone with me, but I wouldn't listen to music because I never invested in getting earbuds. The whole world seemed silent as I carried this mid-sized bouquet of flowers to their place...

This was okay..right?

I've seen them in their most vulnerable state, surely flowers wouldn't be too forwards? I spent the night with them.

Suddenly I've become very self-conscious.

I stand in front of their apartment flat building, contemplating my return. The plastic around the flowers squeaks softly as my grip on them tightens. I feel sick.

But I push the button to buzz in anyways, and I'm almost instantly let in. I smile as their voice yell eagerly over the speaker.

"Mikey! Welcome back!" The speaker on the buzzer was dull and muffled, but I could still hear their excitement.

I opened the door to the front and take the stairs all the way up to the fifth floor...Their door was the first in the hall to the right.

I've only been guided here once, But I know the place like I've lived here forever.

The door opens quickly before I can even knock.

"Mike! Glad you're back." They said softly, physically stiffening as they saw the flowers in my hand. "Oh, em-gosh!"

"Er...surprise," I said softly, a hitch spiking in my voice, making it crack. I cleared my throat after, my face becoming warm. "Sorry if they aren't your favorites. I just know that you like the colour..."

"Oh, they're so pretty!" Y/N said, tugging me through the door by my arm. They snatched the flowers out of my hands instantly and started searching for a vase as I closed the door. "Thank you, Mikey...I didn't expect flowers."

"What did you expect?" I said shortly, leaning awkwardly on the counter. I took my hat off and sat it on the countertop.

"Oh, I don't know, actually." They squinted their eyes, their face scrunching as they looked through the cabinets for that vase. I couldn't help but smile and chuckle as I approached and reached above them, taking the large vase off of the top of the fridge. It was a full-sized fridge, which was rare for this area. I handed it to them, and they smiled slightly.

They filled the vase with water, then put the flowers in after I took the plastic off of them...then they went out onto the balcony, which I was too afraid to step out onto.

Flowers...defiantly a go-to.


Thanatophobia| MICHAEL AFTON x READERWhere stories live. Discover now