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1st person. Michael Afton POV.

If you know what the title means...ayyyyyeeeee


"Go further?" I say quickly, cringing as I saw their face fall.

"No no! I meant like...unwrap these further." They motioned to the loose bandages they were holding, and I felt my face go red. It didn't, but it felt like it.

"oh...uh..." I sat awkwardly, not able to maintain eye contact. "Er...wouldn't I have to.."

"Oh. yeah..." They looked embarrassed. "Well..." They paused. "At least your legs."

"How would that work?" I raised one of my eyebrows, scratching my neck with my now unwrapped right hand. I felt...incredibly exposed.

"Uh..." They stared at me. "W-well...Trousers can come off, but drawers can stay on." They said quickly. That made sense though.

"Oh." my face fell. "Okay yeah, that makes sense."

They didn't speak again, but I could feel their eyes burning into me when I got off of the counter. When I looked in their direction, they quickly looked away, covering their face with their hands. I took off my bent, then removed my trousers.

This wasn't anything. This was completely fine, and they weren't going to look at me any different. Just a friendly one-on-one dedressing and unwrapping of my entire body. Just me being the only one in the room actually exposed and self-conscious and...well...bloody mortified because this person is literally staring at me as I take my trousers off and fold them. They are not very secretive with their staring.

"See something you like, dear?" I turned my head to look at them, and they looked as if they might faint because I caught them. "Just teasing," I reassure.

"Sorry." They say quickly as I sit back up on the counter. I feel like I should have been more humiliated by the fact that I was sitting in only drawers in front of someone, but I wasn't. I didn't feel nearly as judged as I thought I would.

They got into a drawer and pulled out a pair of scissors. They stuck one blade under a fold of the bandages on my thigh and snipped it. This allowed them to unwrap my legs without...well...you know.

My legs weren't as horrible as the rest of my body. They were constantly covered, so they contained no imperfections besides the discolouration and slight dipping...but this just made me look pasty and skinny. When they were finished, they stood up and grinned at me.

"Okay! Uh..." They hesitated. "You can do the last part If you are not comfortable. I feel like I've been kind of pushy...babying you, I guess."

"I enjoy the attention." I grinned. I saw them flinch at my remark though. "Well! No, I meant like...I enjoy relaxing for once with this kind of thing. I haven't felt this comfortable with anyone in...this kind of situation."

"Oh...well I'm glad you feel that way." They said softly, their hand now on my shoulder. "All good vibes here, Mikey."

Mikey. I don't know what it is about it, but I have grown on that name.

Even if it is a bit cringe.

"All good vibes, Y/N." I smiled at them. It wasn't a toothy smile- more of a grin, but still. They understood what it meant.

For a moment, we just stared at each other. They had set the scissors down on the counter, but their hand still rested on top of it. I felt my stomach churn and my face grow hot. The silence was awkward, but in a good way, if that makes sense. The air was tense with something, but I couldn't quite place what it was...

Thanatophobia| MICHAEL AFTON x READERWhere stories live. Discover now