The broken Promise

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" Ezra?"

She lifts up her head from her knees to see Albert standing there. With a sorrow look on his face.

" Dad?"

Cleaning her tears. She gets up. Putting on that fake smile.

" What are you doing here Dad? This is the girls washroom!"

She says avoiding his eyes and covering it up with a chuckle
. Picking up her bag . And Albert just stares.

" I wanted to check on you. Are you fine?"

Nodding. She approaches him. Holding his arm. To walk out with him.

" Of course Dad. What happened to me?"

They walk out of the building together and Albert doesn't say anything. Lost in his thoughts. Clenching and unclenching his fists again and again.

When Ezra looks at her watch.To exclaim.

" Oh god! We are late. I almost forgot."

" It's Lisa's birthday today! Stel would be so mad at me!"

Pulling Albert along. They rush to go to the Reed Estate and Albert couldn't help.

Just look at his daughter and wonder.

" How long are you going to use these fake smiles to hide your tears Ezra?"

" Was I wrong? Should I tell you the complete truth I promised him not to tell you till my last breath?"

Bound. Confused. And heartbroken. Albert again chooses silence over the harsh truth. He has kept from her since years.

Hoping he was taking the right decision.

Hoping his daughter moves on from him. To a better future.


" Asraaaaa aunt!!!! I was waiting for you! It's my birthday! How can you be so late!"

The little girl of 7 years expresses her disappointment. Running towards Ezra. Who picks her up effortlessly. Adjusting her.

" My princess! You look beautiful!"

" Please forgive me. I was busy. "

The little girl pouts. Folding her arms. Moving her head to another side. Ignoring her.

" You are always busy Aunt. You never have time for me."

" That's not true. My little Lisa is the most precious."

Kissing Lisa's cheek. Ezra takes out a bag of freshly baked cookies and offers it to Lisa.

And Lisa's eyes widen.

" Are these what I think they are?"

Ezra nods. Taking one out of the bag.

" Hmm humm freshly baked cookies by your aunt's hands!"

Little Lisa forgets all her anger. To take the cookie from Ezra's hand. Taking a huge bite. She closes her eyes. Devouring the taste.

" Hmmm they are the best cookies in the world Aunt Asra! Thank you!"

Kissing Lisa's cheek. Ezra runs her hand through the girls hair. To have Lisa lean forward. Kissing Ezra's cheek.

" I take back my words. Aunt Asra is my favourite!"

Ezra smiles. At the girl to only see Step approach them. Opening her arms, she welcomes Ezra in a tight hug.

" Agg I can't breathe Stel!"

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