The surprise

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" It's not what he did that hurts.

But the way he just stood there, doing nothing and pretending.

He didn't lit the fire that got me burned."

      - Suzangill


" Ryan was so excited to meet you! You know he has a daughter just your age"

" I hope you guys get close like real sisters."

Albert says. As Ezra just nods. Her mind lost somewhere else. And Albert realised this.

" Daughter? What happened? "

Ezra puts on that fake smile. Moving her head in a no. Looking into her father's concerned eyes.

" Nothing Papa. Just tired."

" Why? Aren't you sleeping properly? Or is it becaus-"

His words got interrupted as the doors are opened and in walks a man with arms wide open and big smile on his lips.

" Brother!"

He exclaims and Albert get's up. Rushing to hug him back.

" Ryan! You are so damn late. We seemed to be waiting for hours !"

" Oh come on. You know me.  When am I ever punctual."

They hug each other tightly. Patting each other's back. And Ezra gets up too. Approaching them.

Wringling her hands in anxiousness.

" Anyways where is she? I hope she doesn't have your ugly features!"

Ryan jokes looking behind Albert. To suddenly go still. Seeing those innocent brown orbs staring at him.

" Oh my! Isn't she a carbon copy of her mother!"

Ryan exclaims. Approaching Ezra. Who steps forward. To nod. Wishing him.

" Hello uncle"

" Call me Ryan my princess."

He says. Pulling her to his chest. Making her go still. Her heart thudding.

" We all missed you so much"

Pulling back. He holds her shoulders. Smiling at her.

" Welcome to Richardson family"

" Th- thank you"

Was all she could say. The vibes she was getting from the man were way to confusing. He was acting too sweet. To loving.

If he really cared and missed her so much.

Why didn't he came to meet her early?

He may be busy. She thought. Dismissing the thought.

" Where are others? Don't tell me you came alone"

Albert says. And Ryan just rubs his neck. Looking at the entrance. To exclaim.

"There they are!"

Albert and Ezra's eyes move up to look at the entrance. And they see a women walking towards them.

She must be Ryan's wife.

A clicking of heels behind her could be heard and Ezra's heart literally stops. When she sees who it was.

Those beautiful blue eyes staring back at her.

And she could bet that she saw a smirk linger on her lips.

" Ah my lovely child! How are you?"

" Al uncle!"

Ezra feels something ache in her heart when she sees her father hugging Andriana.

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