The bruises

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They stare at each other, to only have his hand move back from her mouth. His eyes immediately flickering lower to her lips and he clenches his fist.

Pushing himself back from her, like her touch disgusted him. His back turned towards her, as she breathes heavily laying on the cold kitchen counter.

"No. can't be true. I can't."

She says almost in disbelief. Her eyes fixed at his back.
As he starts the burner again, continuing with the cooking that he left.

"Get out Ezra."

He says in his harsh voice not looking at her anymore. But who said she was going to leave so easily, she had to clear her doubts.

No matter what it sounded like.

"I feel an ache Did we? Do that?"

She asks lowly afraid of his answer.
While his back stiffens immediately. His hands seizing.


Yet again.

"Aaron? I just asked you something. Answer me!"

Nothing. Except that prolonged silence. A cold aura hanging in the kitchen.

"Answer me dammit!"

She screamed this time. Her frame literally shaking. As the thought of loosing her virginity in such a state, made tears sting her eyes.

"Even if you are the only female left in the entire fuc*ing world Ezra. I wouldn't fuc* someone like you Stupid girl."

"My standards haven't fallen so low to touch filth like you."

His words, they were even worse than her thoughts. They broke her, trying to make her feel worthless.

The tears restrained at her eyelids, flowed uncontrolled.

He looks into her eyes with loathe. Nearly throwing the pan at the kitchen counter in frustration.

And she flinched seeing the metal thing hit the marble shelf with a loud thud. Her heart racing rapidly in her chest.

Filth? So much detest? So much hate? Why? It was not her fault last night.

"The next time you go out wearing slutty clothes like yesterday and flirting with random men, don't expect me or my brother's to come save your sorry ass."

"This was the last time."

With this, he walks passed her. With long heavy steps. Not caring of her falling tears.

Her heart thudding as she looks down at the floor. The throbbing in her head worsening.

Seeing him walk out, she holds the counter to control herself.

There was no doubt in this that the men loathed/ detested her. His words a testimony to it.

Then why are you so crazy about him Ezra. Let him go.

He is a taken man.

Don't infilterate his happiness with your existence, if he detests you to this extent.

She turns around , breathing heavily to return the room, to find him no where. Her footsteps slowing down as her her eyes stop on something placed beside the bed.

And that traitrous heart, again beats faster.

It was a note under a glass of water. The beautiful Lucida handwriting,too familiar to her.

Take it and come to office.

She looks at the painkiller placed beside the note,and she stares at him through the window. His car reversing as he puts on his shades and leaves for the office.

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