The heartbreak

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" I loved you from afar like the stars loved the moon.

Untill one day ,I became a shooting star and passed by you.

To only realised that I someone like me would never matter to you.

Because you already had outnumbered stars like me in the sky infatuated by you.

- Ezra  


It was turning dark outside as a figure paces the room. His hands sweaty and mind anxious.

Looking at his watch again and again. He keeps checking his phone. To find no notification.

" Sir"

A man comes in bowing and Albert rushes towards him.

" Any news?"

He moves his head in a no. Making Albert to bang his fist on the wooden table.


" Damn it! I told him to wait! Why isn't this boy following the plan !"

No one says anything for next few seconds. A deadly silence stretches. To have Albert to nod. Clenching his fist.

" We can't wait anymore."

" We have to get the police involved."

" But Sir-"

Albert shows the man his hand. Asking him not to interfere with his decision.

Moving out of the room. Albert sees everyone sitting there with looks of worry in their eyes.

" Uncle Albert! Any news? Do you know who did this?"

Neil says rushing forward and Albert places his hand on his shoulder. Nodding.

" Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to her. I promise"

" Please keep my daughter safe please god! "

Mrs Reed was crying. Praying to the heavens above. And with one last look at everyone. Albert made way outside.

" The police is here Sir"

" Good let's go"

" Albert! We all will come with you! Please! "

Mr Reed says, pleading. With everyone else following and Albert refuses.

" It's dangerous. I can't-"

"Please Albert! Ezra is our family. She is as much as my daughter as she is yours."

" Please!"

Sighing. Looking at their faces. Albert nods. Making way outside with everyone else following.

Please don't do anything stupid Aaron please. We are coming.

Was all that Albert could wish for.


" Ah my boy come! Look who we finally have here."

Ryan speaks with a smirk on his lips and Aaron moves closer. Coming to light.

Making those cold grey eyes to land on those teary brown ones. Which were loosing her hope in humanity and in love altogether.

First her uncle, then Andriana and now Aaron.

How can she be so blind?

How can she be fooled by them?

Was it all fascade? He can still believe what her uncle and Andriana did but Aaron?

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