His Fascades

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" You say I burned you?

Oh darling if only you knew. How many times I burned myself.

To give you the light which you synonym with fire."

- Suzangill


Aaron's pov

My eyes lock with those beautiful brown orbs which I made my world.

And my heart. Which I thought has long died and forgotten how to beat.

Suddenly starts fluttering like a fuc*ing butterfly caught in a prison.

It's thudding audible in my mind. And I suddenly go oblivious to everything. My eyes refusing to leave the sight in front of me.


She is looking more beautiful than before.

" A-Aron"

She speaks. And hearing my name from my lips broke all the restraints inside me.
So tempting ! How I want her to repeat it again.

Just once say my name with her melodious voice.

How I fuc*ing missed her voice, her face, her smile, her eyes, her scent.

Even her Stupidness.

But I know it won't be possible anytime soon.

Instead I wonder how she hasn't shouted profanities at me or slapped me twice or thrice atleast.

I deserve it. I know.

For bringing tears in her eyes that only deserved happiness. For loving her when she deserved someone better.

My thoughts are interrupted by a voice that thunders in the silence, drawing everyone's attention.

" How dare you step into this house you bast*rd!"

I sigh. Expecting this. Placing my hands in my pockets. To finally break her stare. Looking at Albert who seemed to be raging seeing me.

Before I could say anything. Andriana rushes to my side in defence.

Looking at her uncle.

"Uncle Al! How can you say that to him! I invited him here!"

Looking at Andriana in disbelief. He steps forward. Approaching me.

" What fuc*ing game are you playing huh? What is this bullsh*t!"

I don't say anything in defence. Just let Andriana wrap her arm around my shoulder. As she defends me.

Making my task simpler. Saving my energy.

" What game Uncle! I love him and he loves me. And very soon we will get married!"

Albert looks at Andriana in disbelief.

" Married? He is your sister's husband! Are you even hearing yourself?"

" This is just rediculuous!"

" This man leaves my Ezra alone for 7 damn months! Not even once asking if she was fine! "

"And now you say he loves you! Ryan! Your daughter has lost i-"

" Uncle! For your information. I think your dearest daughter may have not told you."

Andriana smirks looking at Ezra. Who just stood there like a statue. Seeing the unfolding of the events.

" But Aaron and I dated for 5 years while we were studying in Seattle. If only we hadn't come back...all of this wouldn't have happened!"

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