T W E N T Y - O N E

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It's now 1 am and I'm awoke to the sound of Rafe typing on his screen. Though his screen is turned dark to shade me from the drama that was taking place on the phone in front of him, the constant thumping of his patted fingers are what sends the all knowing signal. I slowly shift from my current position, rolling my body back towards Rafe Cameron. Within a blink of an eye the screen goes dark and the phone is thrown to his right, once again trying to hide any proof that seconds before he wasn't typing away like his life depended on it. His eyes screwed tightly shut, the only sound now being that of his breathing as it tried to slow back into a normal pace. 

My mind is wondering a mile a minute. What possibly could Rafe, finally mine, be up to at this time of night, and what made it so secretive? I was on possibility number 24 when his phone buzzed a quick 2 times, sending a beam of light to the ceiling. His eyes open in a matter of seconds and his hand now has the phone, though this time my eyes meet his and I can practically feel him sink himself into a hole he's been subconsciously digging himself into as this night has went on. 

"Sorry, did I wake you sweetheart?" His tone low, and soft. Though no hint of morning voice present, further proving my conclusion that he had yet to go to sleep. 

"I heard a phone, thought maybe it was mine. I guess it wasn't" I almost questioned, but allowed my eyes to wonder between Rafe and his phone. Letting him know I knew more than I was leading on. 

"I'm sorry baby, It's Kelce. He's at a party, probably doesn't realize it's so late." He reaches down placing a kiss against my forehead, drawing his freehand into mine before also touching it with his warm lips. "Go back to sleep" His lips now against my own, finally falling into his touch and letting my eyes drift me back into a slumber, the distant sound of Rafe's typing acting like a sound machine. 

It was finally the next morning and I wake to see a sleeping Rafe, telling me that he must have finally found himself asleep sometime in the middle of the night. It didn't take long for his eyes to meet mine though and the comfortable silence filled the room. "What's the plans for today?" my voice barley above a whisper causing Rafe to sit up on his elbow, his body facing mine. 

"Golf with the guys?" He almost pleaded, letting me know these plans must have already been in place. Maybe that's what had been taking place in those late night texts. 

"I'm surprised you want to go out with Topper" I was thinking in my head, but without realizing the words were out of my mouth and Rafe wasn't quick to let it go. 

"I just fucking woke up Maddie, why do you have to bring that shit up" His words cold, sending a shiver down my spine. If I didn't know better I would have said it was out of fear, but I wasn't afraid of him, I couldn't be. "I didn't mean to, it was just a thought. I'm sorry babe" I placed a slow kiss to the side of his mouth lingering there as long as I felt fit. 

A soft moan escaping Rafe's lips as if the anger was leaving his body. 

"Maybe you shouldn't go" the smirk playing across his face sent a pit to the bottom of my stomach. "I would hate to see Topper staring at MY girls body" his eyes traveling up and down me before finally landing back on my eyes.

"I was actually looking forward to it, but maybe I'll just give JJ a call. I'm sure the pouges will be out and about today" I finally could return the smirk that was now leaving his face.

"You would love that wouldn't you" his tight grip pulling at my waist, pulling me flush with his shirtless body. 

"Good thing you invited me first" a quick peck to his cheek and I was up and out of the bed. 

"Where are you going?" he questions as I slip on my other shoe.

"I can't wear this to the country club for golf" I respond pointing at Rafe's oversized tshirt and my high-waisted shorts that clung to my body. "They'd kick me out" I laughed grabbing for my bag. 

"I'll pick you up in like an hour" and with that he was up and met me across the room, placing soft kisses to my mouth as his long arms snaked themselves around my waist pulling me back into him. 

"Sounds good country club" I joked placing one last kiss on his lips, his smile soon turning back straight as I used the name his friends started calling him after their run in with Barry at the country club a few months ago"

Without another word though, Rafe's phone was back to buzzing just as it did last night and he was quick to place a final kiss on my head before returning rather quickly to be the bed to grab it. "Just the guys" he quickly spoke sending me a soft smile before typing away at the screen. 

"Right, well I'll see you in a little!" I quickly made my way out of the room and down the stairs knowing I wouldn't have much time to get ready if I didn't soon make my way back to my own house.

I couldn't help but let my mind wonder though with each minute on the drive back to my house. Sure Rafe talked to the guys all the time, but since when were they so important he kept himself up half the night just to talk with Kelce, whom he'd be seeing literally hours later into the next day. And even when we were just a fling he would've never jumped away from one of our moments to make sure the guys were responded to within a matter of seconds, especially now that he's not on good terms with Top. I trust him, I always have. But something was going on and it would only be a matter of time before I figured it out. 


I've been trying a new writing style, trying to go more into detail and really give you a feel like you're there. Eventually I want to go back and rewrite the first part of this book and make it longer, add more stuff and make it all around more enjoyable so I will let you guys know when I take on that project! 

Thanks for all the comments and votes! That's the best part of writing this story!

I have the next 2 chapters outlined and ready I just need to finish writing them so look for those soon!


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