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"Rafe?" I call walking into the lower part of the yacht nearing the back bedrooms.
He hummed a response I couldn't quite make out but it gave him away nonetheless.

"Sarah said you were down here, Is everything okay?" My words gentle and safe towards the Cameron boy. Afraid if I spoke too loudly I would break him. I knew something was weighing heavy on his mind.

"I'm glad she told you. Come here"
Sadness laced his voice, making me quick to pull myself into his warm embrace. I inhaled the strong aroma of Rafe Cameron and felt myself almost in a daze.

Rafe and I were always close but this was different. I felt he needed me and if anyone knew Rafe Cameron they knew he didn't need anyone.

"Why is my dad such a dick Maddie?" He sighs, meeting my eyes.
Ahh and there it was.
Ward was never a loving father, unless it was to Sarah that is. Rafe was always out to impress his dad and yet he always fell short in the eye of Ward Cameron.

"Rafe, you are the best thing he could have ever asked for. He doesn't see it yet, because he's so blinded by all the bad around him. You're perfect okay? And as long as I'm around no one will ever be able to tell you any different, okay?" I watched as his face softened. I meant every word of it and it hurt my heart to think that someone could make this perfect man feel any less than that.

"You know I love you right?"
A smile stretching across his face as his long arms extend toward my own.

"I sure as hell hope so" I giggle, wrapping my arms equally back around him.

Small glances were being exchanged back and forth as Rafe now had me pulled down on the bed beside him. Nose to nose I could feel his hot breath linger on my lips but no words were being spoken. His eyes flickered back to my lips, looking at me for my permission. Yet not a word had been spoken.

My breath hitched in the back of my throat as the gap was closed between us.

What started as a soft and slow kiss was becoming harder and heavier with each passing second.
Before I knew it he had flipped me on top so I was straddling his waist. My hands pressed firmly on his chest as it was now my turn to deepen the kiss.
With a quick movement Rafe's shirt was now laying in a pile on the floor beside us, mine ending up the same as the next few moments passed.

"Are you sure you're okay with this Mads?" Concern written across his face. But I had never felt unsafe when Rafe Cameron was around.
"I've never been more sure of something, Rafe."

Minutes felt like hours. His hands rubbing soft circles on their way up my spine, sending shivers through my body all the way down to my finger tips.

And in the moment I felt complete euphoria. It was just Rafe and I, no one else existed to me in this moment.

"I don't know how I was so dumb not to see it before" He mumbles, his lips barely parted away from my own.

"Shut up Cameron, let's not ruin this moment" I urge, attaching our lips as soon as possible.

Rafe's hands slid down my back and place their way back to my hips, he tugs on me, trying to make us as close as one. Soft kisses trailing down my neck to my collarbone where they were sure to leave a mark tomorrow.

"Maddie? Rafe?" Was all I heard down the hall way heading straight this way.

In a flash I was up and running to the bathroom barely enough time to grab my shirt from off the ground.

"Rafe? What're you doing?" It was Sarah. I'd know that voice anywhere.

"Oh just was telling Maddie about Dad. We'll be up in a minute" he says, as if our kiss didn't have him feeling a rush of emotions.

"Speaking of Maddie, where is she?" The blonde girl questioned, peaking her head around the bedroom.

"Oh she ran to the bathroom, we really were getting ready to come back up" he was now quick and hasty, but Sarah never batted an eye.

"Alright well, I'll see you guys in a minute" she grinned, flipping her hair off her shoulder before turning on her heel.

As soon as I heard the door click indicating Sarah was now back on the upper level of the yacht I made my appearance back out from the bathroom. This time fully clothed.

"What just happened?" Might as well get straight to the point. My heart practically beating out my chest.

"Something I should've done years ago Mads. You truly are my best friend." His smile stretching across his face as he pulled me back in for another tight hug.

"Let's do it again sometime princess" he chirped, sending me a wink as we excited the bedroom.


"Maddie? You good?" Topper said grabbing a hold of my arm.
"Yeah Top, I'm great" I faked a smile as we continued our way into the party.

Who knew being back here would've pulled that memory back out of the grave. I needed this closure, I could do this.

Rush | Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now