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Breaks slowly brought the car to a halt in the Tanny hill driveway. The ignition clicked off and soon after Rafe's door was open sending the cool breeze of the night in to wrap me in its shiver. Rafe's baby blue suit danced in the headlights as his long slender figure made it's was to the passenger side of the vehicle. 


A hand outreached and a smiling Rafe guided me out of the car, walking me to the front door of the mansion. Words were not spoken but a thousand emotions floated in the inches between Rafe Cameron and I right now.  I kicked my heels of sighing in comfort as the door slamming echoed through out the empty house. 

Rafe and I had been here alone many times, this was my comfort place when all else was failing in the world. And though Rafe Cameron was the cause for almost all of my problems in recent times he always managed to be my comfort at the end of it all. 

"It feels like forever since it's just been us" I hummed to no one really as I wondered my way through the long hallways of this house I had grown to know so well.

"Don't be dramatic baby, it's barley been a week" Rafe's chuckle bounced off the walls of the empty house making his voice seem so much louder than it is. 

"Well a week or not, it felt like forever. So lets not do that anymore okay?" I responded walking backwards to face him. It was very evident that I was speaking about Emily.

 My grin was now stretched out across my face, Rafe's grin matching. 

A chuckle and a shake of his head was his response as we finally reached the Cameron Kitchen. I quickly jump up on the counter like I had done so many times before, my hands being my support as I lean forward watching Rafe pour himself yet another drink for this evening. 

"So what was up with Topper being all touchy, when did that start?" 

Before I could respond he started again, his glass slamming against the counter. Sending a loud CLING through our ears.

"Wasn't he just fucking my sister, I mean what the hell" 

 His voice was raising but his eyes had yet to meet mine. 

"We are friends"

I was looking right at him now, my voice not faltering at all. 

"So were we, Maddie. That didn't seem to matter all the nights you were in my bed now did it" 

He had a point but I would never admit that to him. Maybe Topper had gotten too close but I'll always blame it on the fact that we both were heartbroken, No harm no foul. 

"Let it go Rafe. I mean I literally went to midsummers with him and spent the ENTIRE night with you." 

I roll my eyes at the hostility Rafe was putting off right now. 

"I don't have anything to let go, I'm not mad. You know who you belong to" 

Within seconds he was between my legs, hands pressed to my sides. He began peppering kisses down my exposed collarbone. Chills took over my body as he finally reached my lips. 

"You know Rafe, this might not be as fun now that it isn't a secret" 

I mumbled through the kisses, a smile plastered across my lips.

"It never really was a secret anyways now was it?" he responded pulling on my bottom lip with his teeth.

Before I could think another thought the echo of the door slamming sent Rafe across the kitchen from me. Just like old times I thought, some habits won't die. I laughed at my own thought causing Rafe to send me a confused look as he picks up his drink and returns to what he was doing before the kissing. 

Rush | Rafe Cameronजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें