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The silence in this truck was killing me. Rafe refusing to take me back to the pouges meant I was now stuck for a rather long ride back to figure 8 with the only person I did not really want to be with in this moment. The only sounds being the soft buzzing of the tires bumping across the rocks as we passed more and more trees back out into the main land and the gentle hum of the radio as Rafe's Bluetooth played through.

My phone had been blowing up since I left. Everyone wanted to know what the Cameron boy had to say.
I ignored them all in fear it would set him over the top again, considering he wasn't one to keep his emotions at bay. Whatever had gotten into him last night wasn't normal and I still couldn't begin to wrap my head around it. He never raised his voice at me and wanting to stop this 'friends with benefits' thing was catching me off guard, as It was his idea in the first place.

None of it made sense. The kiss and the canceling of whatever this mess we had started.

"Listen, I'm sorry" His words were smooth. I almost didn't hear him.

"About what Rafe?" Though my voice was soft spoke I know he could hint at the sarcasm laid within my words.

"Look, I'm sorry for yelling and I'm sorry for this kiss. I shouldn't have done that. It was a closure thing. Emily really wants to make it work this time and I don't want to miss out"

Ofcourse. Emily. The kook princess. Her long blonde hair always sat perfectly at the tops of her shoulders, matching perfectly with whatever skimpy dress she could manage to squeeze herself into.

"I just wish you had told me sooner" I sigh, sinking further down into my seat.

"What's that suppose to mean Maddie?" His voice rising slightly as he spoke.

"I would've moved on a long time ago" the shift in his face told me those weren't the words he had wanted to hear.

But what did he want me to do beg? Beg to forever be his side piece. I thought more of myself that, I can promise you.

"Yeah. Well, sorry." The bitterness was starting to seep back within his words. I couldn't understand the sudden mood changes from second to second.

The ride was now quiet again. Where he was taking me I couldn't tell but it was starting to look like a b line for the country club. As he followed all the twists and turns leading to the front gate.
The palm trees coming into view, it wouldn't be long before I could get out and away from him. I've never thought that would be something I would want. Being away from Rafe that is. He's been my comfort for a long time and the thought of not having him anymore was making me feel sick to my stomach. Aside from all the underlying things Rafe and I had been through, above all he was my best friend, and I wasn't ready to give that up yet.

"Well I guess I'll see ya" I refused to make eye contact with him again. My trembling hand finally making its way to the door handle.

"You're still my best friend" he spoke up quickly. Just as my fingers laced their way around the gray plastic.

"Maybe it will all work out one day, Rafe."

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tearing up getting out of the truck. My feet took me to the closest person I knew, that person happening to be Topper.

"Hey Mads" His smile soon fading when he saw my current state.

"What's wrong?" the once warm smile now faded into a concerned glance.

I knew I could always tell Topper anything. Even though him and Sarah's relationship fell apart we were all friends to start with. I know more than anyone that he would still do anything in this world to make Sarah happy.

"He told me he wanted to stop it all, for her"

I didn't know exactly how much Top knew considering him and Rafe were best friends. I know I had never told anyone, but I never knew if I could say the same for Rafe.

"Emily?" The curiosity in his voice becoming more noticeable.

"That would be the one. Did he ever tell you?" Now it was my turn to be the curious one.

"I've known since it started. I was sworn into keeping it a secret and you know how he gets. I figured after last night I was safe" he giggles, trying to lighten the mood ever so slightly.

"Listen Maddie, He's being a dumb ass. He won't ever know what he had until it's gone, and I'm sorry that person has to be you."

I really did miss getting to hang out with Topper. He always knew what to say to make everyone in the room smile. Before I could even thank him Rafe was back. This time with the blonde hanging on his arm.

"Hi Toppie! Maddie..." her words spewed out of her bright red lips.

"Emily." This just might be the fakest smile I have ever had to put on.

"Emily and I are throwing a party tonight on the yaht, be there?"
I couldn't tell if he was asking or telling but Topper just sent him a nod in response. The tension was so high in the air no one knew what to say next.

I had spent the rest of the day surprisingly with Topper. He took me home and let me shower and change. We talked back and forth about whether or not to go to Rafe's party tonight. But ultimately decided Topper needed to go. It was his best friend after all. I on the other hand didn't have a clue what I would find myself into tonight. I was almost 100% sure that Sarah and the crew would end up on that yacht at sometime this evening and that was the only thing keeping me in the mind set of going.

"I'll take you with me Mads if you want?" His eyes looked soft, almost as if they were trying to convince me.

"You mean the Topper Thornton doesn't have a hot date?" My smile quickly returning back to my face, just had it had so many times today already.

"Well let's see I only have two girls in mind, one broke up with me and the other one is right here and I already asked her"
Topper let out a chuckle pulling me into a hug.

"Alright I'm in! But only because you asked so nicely" I coo.

Pulling away I start towards my closet. As my fingers ran across the various fabrics I finally came to a decision. Pulling out my cropped tank from free people and grabbing a light wash pair of high waisted shorts to go with, I ran into the bathroom slipping it all on. Before making my way back into my bedroom.

"You ready Top?" I chirped pulling the blonde up from his spot on my bed.

"As ready as I'll ever be Mads" he sighs, sending me his award winning smile.

And with that we were out. Let the night begin!

I hate this chapter and will Probably end up rewriting, but it's a filler than needs to be there.

It was a struggle for me this chapter, can't wait for Rafe and Mads to figure this out!

As always, ideas are welcome!

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