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Before I knew it JJ was on the floor and I was looking at Rafe's back as he was carrying me down to the lower part of the boat.

"Rafe what the hell is wrong with you."

For the first time in my life I wanted to be anywhere but with Rafe Cameron.

"You don't come to my party and make out with a pouge you whore" he spat back at me.

I flinched, and I know he pretended not to see.

"You told me this was done, whatever this was. You chose her. You made that very clear."

He shook his head at me before continuing.
"Look. Yes I chose her and I will continue to choose her. But stop trying to making me jealous. We are friends, I like you AS A FRIEND. Nothing more and it never will be so stop"

"Sounds like a lot of trying to convince yourself, but I'll go. I'm sure JJ is waiting on me anyway" the words came off my tongue like venom and this time he wasn't so good at hiding the heat that was boiling inside him.

His fist was quickly met with the wall behind him. This time he didn't stop me when I tried to leave and for that I was thankful.

My mind was rushing with emotions but I knew deep down it was because he couldn't see me with someone else and I don't know why he can't just come to terms with it.

As I reached the top of the stairs I was met with all eyes on me, but to my pleasure I found JJ's.

"Let's get out of here" now sobered up some he grabbed my hand and we made our way the short walk to my own house.

It didn't take long before we reached the door to my bedroom.
"You wanna stay tonight?"

Without a response I had my back pressed into the wall and JJ's lips were once again on mine.

"I figured we could finish what we started back at the boat"

Minutes turned into hours with JJ as we laughed and talked about everything under the sun. Before I knew it morning had come and it was time for him to go.

3 hours later

Sarah and I had made plans again today this time with the Pogues tagging along. No one knew yet the JJ had stayed the night but I'm sure it wouldn't be new news to anyone when he didn't show up at the Chateau last night.

"Hey Sarah, guys, Kie. You guys missed quite the show last night after you left" I sighed, rolling my eyes in the process.

"Don't even get me started" JJ said.

"But the night did end pretty well if you ask me" JJ said winking at the group.

"Whatever you did or whoever you did, I'd just rather not know about it at 8 o'clock in the morning" Kie spoke with an attitude.

"All right enough about last night let's forget about Sarah's psycho brother and let's Head out onto the marsh" JJ was already half out the door and on his was to the HMS pouge.

Before we knew it all of us we're on the boat and heading out through the marsh to spend a day on the water. Kie had brought the beers and JJ was already doing his party trick at the front of the boat.
"So now that it's not 8 AM why don't you let us know what did happen after we left last night" John B spoke softly.

"Rafe was being a complete asshole and threw me on the ground all because I was too close to Maddie. He made a whole scene and I'm pretty sure his girlfriend stomped off the boat after screaming at him because he picked Maddie up and carried her down the stairs to get away from everyone, but then I went home and stayed at Maddie's the rest of the night" JJ started laughing towards the end.

"You guys slept together?" Hurt was written all over Kie's face and she spat her response back to the group.

"No we did not sleep together" I felt the need to argue my case back. I never realized until now she was into JJ. But if it wasn't clear before it definitely was now.

"So anyways my brother made a scene about you again" Sarah's eyes were big but she didn't look surprised in the least.

After Sarah had found out about Rafe and Maddie's history a lot of things started to click in her head and more times than not she realized all of the scenes that Rafe made were because Maddie wasn't doing exactly what he felt she should be, or was talking to other men instead of him.
It was no surprise that Rafe was jealous of anything Maddie did but he was also very protective and wanted no one to look at HIS girl. Though she never really was his as it seems.

"Yeah he took me down to the lower part of the boat and told me that he wanted to be with Emily and that I need to stop being a bitch and stop trying to make him jealous because we are friends and he only likes me as a friend. Oh and then proceeded to call me a whore for making out with a Pogue."

"You and JJ made out" Pope spoke up rather quickly.

"I must've left that part out" JJ laughed at the end.

"We had both been drinking, it was nothing serious, won't happen again" I chirped up after I met Kie's glare.

Little did they know, it won't happen again because I don't know that I'll never get over Rafe Cameron. The more time I spent with the pouges the more time I realize that I could've been with Rafe and while I don't like to admit it, it did kind of make me upset. A lot of people would say I was dumb for wanting to be around someone that's so toxic for me but no one knows Rafe like I do and on the nights that we laid awake and laughed and talked those are the nights that I fell in love with Rafe.
Last night JJ said that he really was starting to get feelings for me and I wanted to push Rafe to the back of my mind and pretend that the feelings I once had for him were no longer there.

But I guess that's the price you pay when you love a Cameron

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