ℭ𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔯 𝔏'𝔞𝔯𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔱 - ℜ𝔢𝔪𝔲𝔱𝔞 | 👩🏾‍🤝‍👨🏽

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As the months passed Samari and Anthony grew closer. They went on dates every other weekend and even had a gathering for both of their families. Richardson's health began to decline as the days went by so Samari and Anthony decided to stay with her in her home. "Baby, can I have some water?" Richardson asked while she looked over at Samari who lay next to her holding her hand as she took a nap. Anthony immediately went to get the water leaving the two in the room alone. Richardson took her time turning towards Samari and used her free hand to rub her stomach. "Hm, what's going on mama why are you rubbing my stomach?" Samari asked feeling her warm palm rubbing her stomach. The two sat in silence before Richardson spoke, "I know you're pregnant. I know the glow and everything so well, everything is gonna be healthy and perfect." Samari immediately sat up and looked at Richardson who's eyes fluttered shut for a moment before she began speaking again. "He loves you, and your kid is lucky to have parents like you and Anthony." She said while coughing and keeping her hand rested on Samari's stomach. The thoughts that rushed through Samari's head made her feel dizzy. The moment Anthony came back upstairs Richardson told them that she loved them both.

"I feel so hurt, I'm just glad she was comfortable and isn't in any more pain," Samari said as the paramedics took Richardsons' body out of the home. She stood on the porch and felt a chill go up to her spine while she stared off at the street. "It's okay, she'd want us to be great," Anthony said while hugging her tight and kissing Samari's forehead. The simple gestures made her stomach feel funny. She shook off the conversation she had with Richardson. But made a mental note to get a pregnancy test done in the morning just to be on the safe side. The two spent the night planning the funeral and boxing up the rest of the items they didn't get to earlier that week. Richardson knew she was going but didn't know the exact day or time so she made them pack up her home in advance. "I saw her hand on your stomach, she knows about your thing for belly rubs?" He asked her once they sat down on the living room floor. Samari chuckled before lying and saying yes just so he wouldn't ask any more questions. Her eyes stayed glued to the fireplace while she silently let the tears run down her cheeks. Once she saw Anthony dozed off with one of the plush pillows from the living room set she got up and walked around. "I loved Richardson and I do agree you could be pregnant." Her mother said while giving her the once over on FaceTime. The two chatted some more before Samari realized how late it was. She promised to call her mother later on that week and went to order a pregnancy test on GoPuff. Her hands shook once she took the packaging out of the bag as she locked the bathroom door. "I need a friend.." She whispered to her homegirls who stared at her with sleepy eyes on FaceTime. Samari held up the box to the camera and immediately they sat up. "If you are you have my support. I just wanted you to know that." Elizabeth said while she held her hand to her mouth, Josandrea immediately turned her light on and stared. "I already got three, but shit Titi Jodie here!" As Samari finally peed on the stick she shook off the excess and placed the cap back on. Her hands shook as she flipped the test over while she made sure to destroy the box it came in. "Oh, bitch flip it over it's 4 am, ain't it a rapid test?" Josandrea said causing her to finally pick it up, Samari immediately gasped and cried. She flipped her camera and showed the positive test which made both of her friends say congratulations while staring in shock. "Told you he was scrambling more than those eggs from when we came to visit," Josandrea said causing everyone to laugh while Samari wiped her face. The girls chatted about her baby shower and baby clothes as she cleaned the bathroom. The knock on the bathroom door made her jump as she quickly grabbed the test and stuck it underneath her titties in her sports bra. "Baby girl, you okay? And I gotta pee open up." Anthony's sleep-filled voice slipped through the door causing her to breathe slowly as she opened it. He slipped inside and kissed her forehead as she walked out.

"You wanna smoke?" He asked while finally finding her sitting back in front of the fireplace. Her body language seemed off and he was genuinely concerned. As he sat next to her she laid her head on his shoulder and sighed loudly. "I just want to think," She said while shutting her eyes as he rubbed the middle of her back. The next morning she woke up in her own bed with one of her stuffed animals under her.  Her eyes began to hurt as she blinked making her realize how much she cried last night. Once she finally got herself together mentally she got out of bed and grabbed her phone to check it. She had a message from Anthony, her friends, and her mother who also reminded her to take a pregnancy test. "I'll be back around four, sorry for taking your keys. But, breakfast is in the microwave and your laundry is done," She read out loud while walking to the kitchen, her stomach growled loudly and she couldn't wait to see what he had cooked.  His cooking had her getting thicker in all the right places, and she immediately knew that she wouldn't be able to hide her pregnancy at all. After heating her food up she got some water, her mouth watered as she looked at the hearty breakfast plate he prepared for her. What made her smile the most was the mickey mouse shaped eggs he made. Once she finished eating she took a shower and changed into something comfier than what she had on. She immediately wore the oversized SavagexFenty onesie she had in her closet and tied her twists back up into a neater-looking bun. Being that she didn't have much to do she sat in the living room and caught up on the WuTang Saga on Hulu. She couldn't wait to see what was going on next, and within a few minutes, she was yelling at the tv. Her phone made her snap out of how intense the episodes were, "Hey sleeping beauty you okay?" He asked causing her to pout and wish that he came back sooner. She expressed that she was in the mood to cuddle and watch TV, and he ensured her that he would be back at her home as soon as possible.  Once they hung up she yawned and got comfortable before going back to sleep. As he walked into the house he saw her knocked out with her hand on her stomach, he laughed at how cute she looked while bringing some groceries inside. He immediately showered and took out the food he was cooking for the both of them. Setting out everything he needed he occasionally checked on her while she slept, each time she turned he looked up making sure she didn't roll off the couch. He played music lowly as he cooked cajun shrimp, salmon, sauteed asparagus, and rice. "I want apple juice," Samari said while yawning as she stood by the kitchen he immediately turned towards her and kissed her forehead before pouring her a drink. His eyes stayed glued on her as she walked off, and he couldn't wait to finally lay up with her. After half an hour the food was cooked, and everything was plated while he made sure to wash the dishes too. Once the kitchen was cleaned he brought the plates to the table and called her, he chuckled at how her eyes lit up as she walked to the table. "It looks and smells so goddamn good," She said hungrily while staring at the plate, the two said grace before finally digging in. Her face softened as she chewed one of the shrimps, he had made everything with love and she was living for it. As she finished up he waited for her plate while noticing how she cleared the plate he made for her, it was something that he wasn't used to. Normally she would eat half and put the rest up to eat the next day but tonight the plate was legally considered licked clean. He assumed that maybe it was a change in her diet, but didn't think too much of it because of the fact he just wanted her to be fed and happy. "What do you want to watch once I get out of the shower?" He asked her while she lay in bed watching him lay out his clothes for the night. She shrugged and said that she would simply wait for him to get out so they could pick something together. Making his way to the bathroom he connected his phone to her speakers and began to play music. He stood in the shower and sang along while lathering up while listening to Samari sing along to each song that played. After an hour he got out and decided to braid back his locs and line himself up, once he cleaned everything up he came out to Samari sleeping yet again. He didn't sweat it due to the fact he was tired too and knew if he had chosen something to watch Samari would be up by herself watching it. He turned off the lights and TV while finally sliding into the bed next to her, his arms slowly wrapped around her. Once he inhaled her scent he kissed her shoulder a few times before getting comfortable and finally dozing off. He jumped up out of his sleep to the sound of Samari throwing up, he quickly went to the bathroom and watched as she brushed her teeth and had the bathroom looking clean. She jumped when she saw him standing there and immediately lied and told him that she was so full that she couldn't keep it down. "You want water? Bread? What you got a taste for mama?" He asked causing her to thoroughly think as she leaned back against the sink, "Water and banana." She said while unzipping the onesie a little, he went to grab what she wanted and hoped that she didn't have any allergic reactions to the food or that any of the food he cooked was spoiled. 

𝒞𝓊𝓇𝓇𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓁𝓎 𝒰𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓉𝓁𝑒𝒹Where stories live. Discover now