𝒞𝒶𝓇𝑒𝒻𝓊𝓁𝓁𝓎 - 𝒩𝒶𝓃𝒶 𝐹𝑜𝒻𝒾𝑒 ❤️‍🩹

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"You're so quiet .. I'm not used to it." East said while they sat by the bay window smoking. He stared at her hooded eyes and instantly knew she was on the verge of crying. Her bottom lip quivered as she attempted to blink away her tears. "Talk to me, what's on your mind." He asked genuinely concerned, deep down he knew he was the cause of her pain as well. He held his arms out and she simply laid her head on his chest while she cried. "Why do we keep doing this Dave." She said causing his heart to beat faster, he knew she was at her wits end with him once she used his government name. The two knew each other since the age of nineteen, and been through their share of events with one another. "We hit sometimes and other times we miss baby girl. It's not you, it's definitely not you." He said obviously lost for words at that very moment. Each time they had this conversation he doubled back from saying how he genuinely felt. She sat up and dried her eyes before grabbing another blunt. "My actions and words don't mean shit. It shows and to be honest I'm tired. My job didn't value me, and I left it. I cut friends off who didn't appreciate me, and moved from a city that made me feel worthless. The only thing that I'm still emotionally tied to is you." The words hit him hard, this wasn't something he was expecting from her at all. He was so used to her damn near begging for him and her to be together. She had genuinely hurt his feelings for once and he wasn't going to allow her to know that. "I can't wait to go home, this is definitely one for the record books." She said while getting up and walking into his bathroom. He watched as she ran the shower and went to pick out clothes. She was slowly but surely disconnecting herself from him and he wasn't ready for that yet. After an hour she walked out the condo and simply told him that she expected her stuff to be back at her mothers. "Man stop playing and when you done bring your ass back." He growled into the phone, her drunken giggle filled his ears as music blasted in her background. After saying hello four more times he grabbed his keys and simply looked for her location on social media. Samari was too drunk to function and was waiting for a lyft back to the Bronx. The lounge she had went to in New Jersey was full of fresh faces and her favorite breed of man drug dealers. "Ten more minutes, and I'm back where I should've been." She said to herself while sitting on the barstool outside. The cool breeze felt great on her exposed skin, the dress she wore barely covered her full thigh. Her leather jacket was doing justice but her ample sized breasts were ready to spill out at any given moment. As her phone vibrated to notify her of the arrival of her ride East pulled up. "Fuck is you doing? This is the shit that makes me not want to be with you." He said causing everyone that stood outside to gasp while staring at the two. He got out the car and told the driver to cancel the ride while throwing cash in his face. "Fuck you, you don't appreciate me anyway ! I'm just another body to you, when your bitches don't answer you always depend on Samari to give it up." She yelled back while digging into her purse for her phone again, with the quickness he snatched out her hand. "I'll break this shit right now and don't say I won't because I can replace it. Get the fuck in the car." He said calmly causing everyone to wait to see what she was going to do next. She grabbed her phone back and shoved him out her way. "I hate you, you're fucking draining just like everyone the fuck else. I wish we never fucking met." She screamed out while crying, her screams were so loud that everyone in the lounge came out in concern. "It's obvious you don't love me you just love what I have to offer which is pussy and fucking loyalty. You degrade me all the time and I'm sick of it my nigga dead ass!" He came closer to her as her hands shook vigorously, her breathing was rapid and heavier as well. She was having a anxiety attack as they spoke and it scared him. It was the first time he'd witness her blow up the way she did, and he knew she had so much bottled up. By the time he let her finish yelling she collapsed causing everyone to run towards her.

The sounds of the machines in the hospital made his mind wonder back to the winter of 2016. The two teens had just finished smoking and fucking. Samari held onto his arm tightly as they walked on the icy sidewalk to keep her balance. She had a knee injury already and knew if she attempted to walk any faster she'd instantly hurt herself. "Stop walking so fast, you know my legs shorter than yours." She said while looking up at him quickly before focusing on them getting across the street. The moment they began to cross a car  with a drunken driver instantly crashed into him. His body immediately flew into the intersecting street with a loud thud. Samari immediately took pictures of the scene, and cried because she couldn't help him. "I'm good, I'm good come on let's get on this train." East said struggling to stand up correctly, as he looked up at her he noticed she was crying. Which made him realize the first time she was in love with him and genuinely cared. "Whatchu' crying for I'm okay." He said once they placed him on a stretcher before taking him to the hospital. From that day on they had their share of arguments about how he got hit and she didn't. "Dumb ass how the fuck you get hit and I don't? Make it make sense you sound so goddamn dumb!" She yelled out one last time in front of him and his friends which clowned her. By that time she was over him and needed to leave before she ended up doing something she regretted. The relationship between the two was so rocky it took her at least four whole years finally claim her peace. The fall of 2020 is when she realized she needed peace, and he definitely wasn't giving it to her whatsoever. The sound of her sneezing broke him out of his thoughts and he looked up to see her staring at him. "Call my parents, and leave." She said with a dry throat that caused her to wince in pain. Within a minute her folks walked through the door and immediately questioned him. Her mother looked at the man with cold eyes as she held onto her daughter tightly. "Just leave." Samari said again while looking him dead in his eyes for the first time for years. He had officially lost her, and didn't want to add insult to injury. As he walked out he overheard her say to her parents that she never wanted anything to do with him ever again.

"Hey guys it's  Seldaaaa Blanco , and I'm ready to speak on why I went on hiatus." She said directly into the camera while adjusting her top, "As many of you know I left my hometown to start a new life in Atlanta. My family has supported my decision and I wholeheartedly thank them for it." He sat in his bedroom and watched her recent uploaded video. The sounds of his son playing with his toys at the foot of the bed broke his concentration a little. "Dada it's broken." Cairo said while holding his airplane up in the air, his big brown eyes held sadness in them while holding the toy. He quickly pressed pause before fixing the toy and giving it back to Cairo. "Well I recently went to visit my family and it was very brief due to the fact someone that still holds a place in my heart wanted to see me. Now before y'all drag me on the internet please keep in mind my mother called it. I didn't expect to see him ever again, and I don't want to." She said in a tone that showed she was officially done with him. After a two minute pause of silence she cleared her throat and spoke on the events that happened. "I haven't been feeling like myself for awhile. I lost my confidence, and my mental health has been deteriorating in all honesty. Okay let me simply just say , East I know you're watching this and I mean everything I'm saying from this point on. I love you, but I hate the fact that I do. You and I have been so toxic since we were teens and baby I'm ready to cut ties with you now. We're only compatible sexually and it shows.." She stopped again while fanning her face and simply mumbled how embarrassing this was before speaking again. East couldn't help but sit up and wait for what else she had to say apparently the video was fifteen minutes long and they had ten more to go. "I hate the fact you had a kid on me, and  every time you mention him it hurts me. Especially because I met you fresh out of an abusive relationship alongside a miscarriage. I hate the fact I depend on you to come to my rescue EVERYTIME I feel so goddamn low. There's so much I don't like but this would turn my video into one of the many pages in my journal. I'm done, I'm done begging for you to love me and treat me right. After that recent visit to the hospital I realized my worth and decided to cut you off for good,  thank you for both the good and bad memories." She flipped off the camera and a mini slide show of the two in off guard photos popped up. It had shown the changes between the two from the younger years until now. The end finally came and he couldn't believe she did what she did. He immediately picked up his phone to shoot her a text and realized he was blocked. "That's crazy.." He said while rubbing his waves and laughing to ease up the tension. Cairo immediately crawled up his dads legs and laid his head on his chest. Running his hand through the young boys curls he sighed and laid back before they both fell asleep.

𝒞𝓊𝓇𝓇𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓁𝓎 𝒰𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓉𝓁𝑒𝒹Where stories live. Discover now