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Hola everyone... Hey guys here i am with the very next brand new 11th chapter of my oops I mean are very own & newly created story SAJDA - LOVE CAN BENT ANYONE... So as I don't have much to blabber out today straight coming to the point & work oops I mean purpose you are here for Let's start reading with the new chapter of ( your going to be very favorite story ) SAJDA - LOVE CAN BENT ANYONE named RIDE BACK TO HOME.... SO HERE WE GO....

Tere ishq ka har rang suhana..
Wafa kya bewafayi kya..?
Tu hai mere rooh ka thikana
Fir sath kya judaayi kya..?




After an hour or so ANVI slowly started gaining her consciousness... She slowly opened her eyes only to close them instantly due to the bright lights... She blink her eyes repeatedly to adjust with the light... As soon as her vision got cleared she frowned looking around her as she found her self in a moving car... The same car in which she had came to the hospital from airport... She loooked out of the window only to find herself way back to home, seeing it she got confused as she didn't remember anything that's when ANVI'S concerned voice rang in her ears....

ANVI : Are you fine???

Hearing it ADHIRA looked in the direction the voice came from which was beside her only to find a concerned ANVI looking at her with worry filled eyes... Seeing it she nodded her head at ANVI in assurance & tried to get what had exactly happened... She stressed on her brain only to remeber her getting back to INDIA... Slowly one by one all events played in her mind & she remebered going to LIFE LINE HOSPITAL to meet ADVAY... Then going into his room & talking to his lifeless body laying on hospital bed attached to many wires, IV tube, oxygen mask, ventilator etc... But then everything went black... She remebered her argument with DR. SMITH over ADVAY 'S health condition but nothing else after that so a confused she quickly asked ANVI in a cluless voice while looking at her with dumbfounded eyes trying to remeber what happened after that...

ADHIRA : What happened???

She asked... Hearing her question ANVI told her in a concern laced voice, while looking at her with worry filled eyes...

ANVI : You become unconscious in ADVAYS hospital ward room...

She informed trying to calm her down while offering a small smile to assure her...

ADHIRA : What??? Oh my God... How much time it has been??? BHAI BHABHS must be worried for me... & How is ADVAY???

She asked questions one by one all in one go non stop liek a bullet train at the speed of rocket.... Seeing it ANVI chuckled which made ADHIRA frown Seeing her acting so calm & happy in such a critical situation when she is asking such a serious question knowing ADVAY 'S health condition but soon clearing her confusion ANVI told her in a happy voice looking at her with delighted eyes...

ANVI : He is fine DR. SMITH said now he will make it....

She infromed only to make ADHIRA 'S eyes to tear up with the tear of happiness... Hearing this news she cupped her mouth unbelievably trying to suppress those traitorous salty water drops which started to fall from her eyes non stop like river in happiness knowing her best friend is fine & he will make it... The guilt which was killing her from inside will be finally off of her shoulder & she asked her in a broken voice laced with disbelief...

ADHIRA : Really....

She asked not being able to still believe the news & feeling it like to be a dream.. A very happy dream which she was hoping from past 6 months... That same dream for which she was praying day & night... The most beautiful dream of her life... While seeing her condition ANVI took her in her embrace & hugged her tightly... ADHIRA cried her heart out in her best friends embrace... Taking silent sobs... Hearing her heart wrenching cries it broke ANVI'S heart... Her eyes welled up with tears hearing her hiccups... She caressed her back gentaly lovingly... Breaking the hugg slowly, she gentaly wiped her tear stained cheeks with her palms & told her in an assuring voice while looking directly in her eyes...

SAJDA - LOVE CAN BENT ANYONE!!! ( ON HOLD )Where stories live. Discover now