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You woke up beside Peter. You woke up with some sort of anger or frustration. Looking at Peter, you couldn't help but be annoyed with him. You threw his hand off you turning around to the other side. You felt Peter move and wrap his arms around you and place his head on your shoulder. "Morning." his voice crackled as he kissed your neck. You slightly pushed him off. "What." he said getting closer again. He kissed your neck again. Although angry at him, his kisses felt so good on your neck. He started to move his hands down yiru body. He reached down your torso, down to your area. "Your already hard." he whispered in your ear. Your breathing was heavy with sensuality. "Get off." you said. He kissed your neck again. "Pete get off." you said again. He got off you and lied down. "You ok?" he asked. You said nothing. "Y/n, what's wrong?" he said louder. You shrugged. Peter sighed. "Look, i'm sorry, I know i just ditched you. But it's not like i'm going off with someone else. I'm helping people." he said trying to plead his case. "Pete, it's not that simple, It's like, You're always out. I just want you. And thats what you were doing last night. We were together, we were out. And Pete i'm not telling you to like be more with me. I just i like you so much and it's just annoying." you said. "Look don't think i don't know. I know exactly how you feel and i'm sorry." he said. You didn't say anything you just placed your head on his shoulder. You were still angry at him but you couldn't show it cause he really didn't deserve it. He was helping people. It's not like he was ditching you for no reason. Peter turned to face you. Your faces now opposite each-other. He took his middle finger and started tracing the place on your forehead where your infinity stone is. You brought your hand and caressed it to reveal the stone. Peter took his hand away. "Does it hurt?" he asked. "No." you said. He was hesitant to touch it incase it reacted. You took his hand and placed it on your forehead so the stone was touching his palm. "Wow." he said. "How did you get it again?" he said softly taking his hand away. "It's weird. I was.... Well i had a dream of like, this weird being and they were emerged in this (colour) light. They were calling me. It was all just flashes. It was really weird. But like the guy was like a shadow. But all i could see was their forehead with the stone. This stone." you said. Peter nodded. "The next day i tried to runaway from that hell whole and i ran into this field. And their was their weird like house. Like an old house like it was made from stone. It looked like a cave but it was standing free. And i went in their just for the stone to be their floating and calling me. I touched it. Woke back in that shithole and i was scolded for running away. They said they found me outiside the building. I don't even know what happened. "What was the shithole." peter asked softly. "The orphanage." you said. "I'm sorry." he said. "Don't be. It ended me up here." you said. "Still, i thought i was bad." he added. "No, i'm sorry for you, ye know your parents, your uncle. Just in general." you said moving closer to him. "What can you do?" he said. You looked at his lips. Then his eyes. "Are you doing your kiss thing again?" he smiled. You just smiled. He turned over to be on top of you. He slowly crept infront if you. His lips gained inches to your. As he lips slowly touched yours your body froze. Once again he controlled your body. You both started kissing eachother. Feeling each other's bodies. You got so hot. You felt his whole body grinding yours. The aura got so intense so quickly. You heard Peters breath get heavier. His breath on your ears as he kissed your neck, finding your sweet spot once more causing you to moan. You turned over and we're now on top of Peter. You started kissing his neck, trying to find his sweet spot. His moans encouraged you to keep going. You took off his shirt revealing his pecks and abs. Lust took over you. You kissed and slightly bit his torso. Moving down and down. Peter turned over again and he was now on top of you. He took your shirt off, He then copied you and started kissing and biting your torso. It drive you insane. How someone so nerdy and kind could be so hot and make you feel this. While you two were making out, Wanda could hear everything as the walls were thin. She didn't know what to do and she tried to block it out. You two continued to kiss eachother. *Knock *Knock *Knock. "Shit." you said. "Ugh" Peter moaned. "Not today, love." you said sarcastically getting off Peter.  You both scrounged to put your clothes back on. "Come in." you said. "Morning kids." Tony said walking in. "What y'a want." you said getting up. "I just need to grab Peter." he said.  "Take him, i'm getting sick of him." you said fake smiling. "I'll be there now Mr. Stark." he said. "Alright." he said walking out. Peter grunted. He kissed you before getting up. "See y'a later?" he said leaving. "Bye" you said falling on your bed. You sighed throwing the covers on top of yourself. *Ring *Ring. Scrounging to your bedside you grabbed you phone. "Mj" You answered. "Hey, why you calling so early." you said. "Ugh hey, um i just wanted to ask, are you and Peter going to that party tonight in midtown.", she said. "What party?" you asked. "Um...that guy Edvin invited everyone to a party in his appartement." she said. "Edvin.....ugh,I never got a text or anything." you said. "He sent out emails to everyone." she said. "Emails? who sends emails? I haven't checked my inbox." you said getting up going over to the computer. You turned it on going to your inbox and there it was. It read: Party at my place, everyone come. "Very short." you said. The email also attached his address. "Are you going mj?" you asked. "I'll go if you guys are going because i have no plans." "Um i don't know. You about Edvin." you said. "Yeah i know, but it's something to do. Just txt me before 4 so we have time." she said. "Alright, seya later bye." you said ending the call. You sighed. You wanted to go, but there was a part of you telling you not to. You were gonna ask Peter and see if he wanted to go. He was working with Tony though. You thought about you and Peter doing the stuff before tony walked in. You guys have had so many chances but haven't done really anything yet. To be honest you really had no clue what you were doing. But it's not like you could ask or tell anyone about it. Or could you. Mabye steve?, no. Thats too awkward. Nat? No. Mabye talking with Peter???? You didn't know what to do. Vision? Well he would have the information for it. And he wouldn't tell anyone. ???? you didn't know what to do. Mabye it's better to not tell anyone and just let You and Peter find out yourselves. You shook it off getting dressed.

(Time skip)

You were eating breakfast alone in the kitchen when Peter came back. "Hey" you said. He smiled. "Ugh Pete?" you said while he went to the cupboard. "Yeah." he said grabbing a cup. "Mj called me." you said. "and...." he replied. "She asked me about a party, we were all invited." you said looking at your cup of tea. "Oh cool, does she want us to go." he smiled. "She said she'd go if we all go. But em it's tonight." you said nervously, you knew what would happen if you told him it was Edvins party, but you did want to go. "That's fine, i have no plans anyway." he said. "Who's party is it?" he added. "Edvins." you said emotionless. He paused. "The guy who..." he stopped. "No. No. No." he said. "Sorry, no i can't go to his house." he said trying not to sound mad. "Aw come on Pete. Look i don't care what he did to me cause i got you instead." you teased going in closer to him. "I can't no." he repeated. "Pete we might not even run into him, literary the whole school is going, can we not just go with ned and mj and just have fun...." you said wrapping your arms around him. "...maybe you can have a break from spider-man for one night." you added getting quieter. He pushed  your arms off him. "Come on Peter, just be a teenager for one night, that's what you wanted to do on that date, but we knew how that went out." you said. "Y/n stop. Do you not think i want to be a normal teenager?,you think i enjoy leaving you? ,hiding to everyone?" he shouted. He rubbed his forehead in stress. He started to get irritated. He simply then turned around and left the kitchen. 'dramatic much?' you thought to yourself. Shit. What now? You felt bad for getting Peter like that. You knew you had to apologise. So you walked into his room quietly. He sat on his bed. You sat down beside him. "I'm sorry." you said softly. He didn't say anything. You paused too. "I know pete, i just want you to have fun." you said. "I don't need you to do that." he replied angrily. There again was a long pause. "I want to go y/n, but not with him there" "But we won't even see him." you replied. Peter looked at you. "I'll go..." he sighed. "Just don't push me." he added. You hugged him, but he didn't really hug you back. Something was really off with Peter. "Come on hug me" you said moving your face infront of his teasing him. He looked at your lips, he was frowning slightly. you turned your head, "Pete" you said. He continued to look at your lips. He looked sad. "Pete" you said again. "i'm just tired" his voice crackled. You pulled him in closer placing your head.

Update: Hiiiii so em yeah......my last update i was doing my mock exams and then i wrote this chapter and kinda just got writers block so,  i haven't posted in a while. And because of that, i lost time and my now my actual exams are in the starting soon. I will have little time to relax and write, after Multiverse of Madness i will be packed with stuff to do. So yeah. But  i will definitely be back to posting at the start of july .... sorryyyyyy :))))) <33333333

 Him | (Peter Parker x male reader x Avengers)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें