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The next day-Friday

You woke up around 8:30. The sun glistened through your blinds on the windows of your room, glistening on your bed. It was a relaxing sight. You stretched up and got out of bed. You walked over to the window looking at the green fields that surrounded HQ. You went over to your record player and played (artist) as it set the tone in your room. Not long after you get a little gentle knock at your door. "Come in." you said softly. In came the fluffy brown haired boy again. You smiled. "Hey peter" you said. He came fully into your room. "Hey,You still on for tonight?" he stuttered. Of course you were still on. "Yeah, can't wait." Tonight you were doing the movie marathon of star wars Peter invited you to on your first day here. He beamed a smile. He was about to speak up again, but Tony came in. He was very dramatic about how he entered. "Morning boys." "Morning Mr.Stark." Peter said. "Morning Tony." You said. Peter cringed when you said Tony. Tony grinned and gave a little laugh, knowing Peter was offended that you were able to call him Tony. "Short notice guys, sorry, we're having a little get together tonight around 8 i kinda need yous out of the house. "But Tony i live here!!" you said jokingly. He laughed. "Don't worry Mr.Stark Y/n, Ned and I are at my place tonight. We are watc- " He was interrupted. "I honestly don't care. Great have fun." He winked at you leaving the room. You bit your tongue shaking your head. He knew you had a little thing for Peter bit you wouldn't act on it you assumed he was straight just because. Pete nodded his head and cuffed his lips in. "Alright i'll get ya later." He said said swinging his arms to his side. You smiled. He left the room bumping into the door by accident, it was cute. You loved that you were hanging out with Peter . You didn't really have friends before so, this was fun.


Tony had made you and Peter clean up  little bit because of the get-together. It was around 7:30 so you and Peter were getting ready to leave. You went up to Nats room, to say goodbye. You opened teh door to see Nat in a beautiful red dress. She was stunning. "Just a get-together huh?" you asked sarcastically. She grinned grabbing her purse. She handed you a 20 note. "What's this for?" "Pizza" "Thank you" you said. She shoved you out her room. Peter was at teh end of the hallway waiting for you. "Just lemme get my phone" you said before running into your room. You then met with Peter in Happys black jeep. This was your first time in Ney York City at night. It was even prettier. Every light glistened against the darkness. It was beautiful. Not after long, you arrived at Peters apartment block. You went up about 3 flights of stairs until you met with Peters door. Peter took out his keys and opened the door.  You walked in behind Peter, him introducing you to his aunt. "May, Y/n, Y/n,May" Aunt May was a young woman with long brown hair. "It's nice to finally meet you Y/n, Peter has told me so much about you." she introduced herself hugging you. You could see Peter get irritated. She spoke up again. "Well he didn't tell me annoy about you but you know what i mean." You smiled getting out of the hug. "Neds in your room." May said while grabbing her bag. "Right boys have fun, I won't be back for a while so enjoy". she winked at you two. Peter embarrassed faced you and said "Dint mind her." " Don't worry she seems nice." you smiled. You looked around Peters apartment, it was small but cute and cosy. Peters room was on the left of teh main area. You guys walked up to his room to open the door to Ned sitting on the ground laying out all the movies cd cases. There was one blowup bed for you and bed was sleeping on the top buck and Peter was sleeping in the bottom bunk. You guys orders pizzas that Nat paid for and you got into comfy clothes and into your bed.  Ned played the first film. The two boys argued over if they should play it chronological or by release. They decided by release as quote Ned ' How the gods made it'

The first film up was Ep four a new hope. This was the first one made but the fourth in the timeline. You enjoyed it it was good and got you into the genre and characters. After every few minutes Peter would explain more and give you behind the scene news at the time and what was going on during filming. He talked passionately about it.It was really cute. By the time that movie ended it was 9:00 pm still very early. Ned preceded to put on the next one and the one after that. You had now finished the original three films, munching on pizza and sweets and also getting to know Peter and Ned a little bit more. Peter and Ned then lectured you on the timeline placement of the next three movies. Ep 1-3. These three you didn't like as much as the first three. It was now sunrise and you had two movies left and you would see the last one on opening night that night. Ned fell asleep and Peter told you not to wake him. Peter put on the next film Ep 7 the force awakens. Your bed was in a weird position to Peters Tv and During the start of the film Peter noticed you were squirming and moving to see the tv comfortably. "You wanna sit up here." He parted beside him on his bottom bunk. "You felt yourself blushing and before he could notice it you accepted and lied down next to him. During the film again Peter and You would talk about the film and even sometimes about how your getting on with everything. During the end of the film, Rey, the main character, was behind a figure, she held out a light saber. The man pulled down his cloak. "LUKE!" you said. "HAHAHAH" Peter stared laughing at your reaction. You also laughed looking  towards each-other faces. You two stop smiling and you locked eyes. You stared at each-other for about 10 secs before Peter laughed and went to turn on the last film. You were very tired and it was the morning now. You kept finding yourself drifting off forcing yourself to stay awake. "This is the important par-" he said while looking at you. "Y/n?".You we're fast asleep. Peter grinned. He went to turn off the movie and instead of going on to the blowup bed he decided to go back in beside you,almost cuddling up against eachother. Peter didn't know why he did this but it felt right, To him.

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