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You couldn't fall asleep. Even if you wanted to. Peter still crying his eyes out and you in his grasp. The tears were engraved in your chest. 'Why would Tony do this.' 'Wtf did he do so bad to be fired' you thought to yourself. Your head was in Peters hair, his brown, fluffy hair.  As much as you wanted this felling of him being this near to you being special but Peter was braking down. After about what felt 30 mins Peter calmed down slightly. Tears were still flowing but his breathing slowed. He gave a huge sigh. You brought him in closer. "Thank you." he said crackily. He pushed himself slightly out of your grasp, stretching a little. He rubbed his eyes. You now saw the boy hair everywhere and rings under his eyes. He was so cute. He slowly opens his eyes. You smiled at him softly. He got some what cosier placing his head in your shoulder as you both lay in bed. You placed your head on top of his head. It was nice. It was good. It was comfortable. You could help but just sink in Peters warmth. You just laid there in his bed, his small bed. you two were stuck together. You were staring into nothing. Life had stopped. No worries, no anxiety no nothing. All you saw was Peter, All you heard was Peters breath, All you smelled was Peters cologne. All you could was love. A new type of love. Nothing you had ever felt towards anyone. All you wanted to do was look at him in the eyes and kiss him. Love him. But Peter didn't need that. He didn't need an admirer, he needed a friend. So that's what you did. You were there as his friend. A friend who loved him. You kinda fugace him about the locker thing, yeah what he did was wrong but he is a good person and did it for you. You knew you were crazy saying that but a part of you wanted to forgive him so bad. You looked at the clock.The clock read 1:32. It was late and you were both knackered from the whole day. You found yourself with a dry throat and you gently took Peter from your shoulder and made your way quietly to the kitchen in Peters appartement.

You made your way to the kitchen to see May sitting at her counter and with a glass of red wine. She looked at you and kinda stood up. "Is he alright?" she asked. You shrugged your shoulders. "Are you ok" she added. "I'm fine, i just need some water." you said. "Oh yeah, help yourself." she said before taking a sip of her wine. "What's he doing." she asked softly. You paused. "He was crying, he was just ye know.......I think he's asleep." you said pouring water into a glass. You took the glass and placed it on the counter infront of her. "Y/n?, can you do me a big favour." she asked. You nodded. "Peter really needs you right now. I'm in work early tommorow, haha don't know why i'm drinking wine at this hour but, i won't be back till like 8 or 9 in the night so can you take care of him for me?" You didn't even think of an answer. "Of corse I will." You felt the relief fall right out of her chest. "Thank you so much." she said finishing her glass of wine. "It's just, it's been so hard to raise him. Ye know my sister and his dad and then my husband, i didn't think i could handle a child. Ye know it's been hard he hasn't had the best childhood or  when he became a teenager, that internship i fear was the only thing keeping him going. That stark i don't like him but he makes Peter happy so....  He's been so great he never complains he never fights. He's found so hard to fit in, his only friend is Ned, i was so happy when you came. He really admires you. He wouldn't stop talking about you." she started saying softly and a few tears rolling her cheek .  You knew what she meant by 'only thing keeping him going'. Peter 'admired you' you liked that .  "May, you raised an amazing person, he is the most kindest person i've ever met." you smiled. "You don't need to worry. It won't be easy but I'll make hes safe. But i did promise he would be safe at the party and look how that went." you bit your tongue. "No i trust you, you keep him in line most of the times....." she paused. " I know Peter sneaks out if his room every night, i worry about him too much, but...... The kid never had anything growing up so I don't say anything." she started tearing. "I just hope he will tell me what he's doing but I just always hope it's a girl he's going out to." she said rubbing her eyes and then she realised. "Or boy..... Just nothing that will put him in danger." You slightly
blushed when she said 'boy'. "Does Peter like boys?" you asked stuttering. " I don't know, i'm just having an inclusive mindset." she said. She then smiled. "He told me when you came out...." she started. You went bright red. "He was so proud of you." You smiled. "Correct me if i'm wrong Y/n but....... do you like like Peter." she said. Your heart sank. You were trying so hard not to go red. She laughed. "Don't worry, it's cute. Anyway if i wanted Pete end to end up with someone i would've picked you." she said smiling. You looked down. "Don't worry, Peter too innocent to know." she said. You both laughed. " It must be hard ye know being the emotional support for him. I mean Neds a good friend but being there emotionally for Peter i just don't see that. She laughed. "Also it must be hard when you like someone you're that close with." she said. You shrugged your shoulders. Before you could say another word.... "What are you guys taking about." Peter said looking wrecked from the crying at his bedroom door. His bed head covers his face. His pajamas were oversized. "Nothing." you stated. "Well you're too loud." he moaned. "Come here Pete." May said opening her arms for him to hug her with. Peter slowly walked over and wrapped his arms around his aunt. You smiled. It kinda reminded you of Nat. Peter looked so tired. You took a sip of your water and tilled your head to be in line with Peters. "Do you wanna go to bed Pete?" you asked. He shook his head softly still in Mays grasp. He slowly got out of the hug and May kissed him on the head beside he walked over to you. "Come on," you said smiling at him. "Goodnight May." you said abides slowly bringing Peter back to bed. You slowly both walked into Peters room and both crawled into his small bed. You climbed in beside him and wrapped your arm around him, pressing your chest against his side. Your heartbeats were in sync. "Good night Petey." you said holding him closer. "Goodnight Y/n."

You woke up to the sound of car beeping outside Peters apparement it was around 9 your phone told you along with 4 missed calls from Nat.Peter was still out. You moved some of his strands of hair out from his eyes, cuffing your hand in his cheek. You blushed, you rubbed his cheek. You decided you were gonna have to make Peters breakfast so you decided you had to get up and start preparing it. You slowly made your way out of the bed and out the room to the kicthen. Peters appartement was really nice. It was small but it was cosy and the rain poured down the widows. You lit a few candles that May had around because it would make the place nicer with the rain. The rain was really pouring down. It was relaxing. You popped on the kettle and looked around the around the kitchen to see what you could possibly make. There wasn't enough ingredients to make pancakes but there was bread and rashers/bacon. (depending where your from i'm from ireland so we say rashers </3)  You placed oil in a pan and started to fry the rashers. While they were frying you made the tea and buttered bread for the rashers to make sandwiches. As you fried them Peter walked in softly. His hair was a mess and was fluffy. You loved it like that. He rubbed his eyes asking "Where's May?". "She has to work and she is working late, so i'm going to be here all day." you smiled flipping over the rashers. "Smells good." he said. You smiled. "There's tea there." you said. "Thanks." Peter stared at you while you made his breakfast. He really admired you. He thought you were great at everything. As you turned around and placed the rashers onto a plate Peter still stared at you. You noticed this. "What." you laughed. "You're amazing." he said. "No i'm not i'm just cooking." you chuckled. "Eat up." you said before taking your tea and the bread and placing them on the coffee table infront of the tv. Peter followed with the rashers and his tea. He grabbed the remote and said, "what you wanna watch." "i don't mind." you replied. He turned on the news just to have it on in the background. You both started to eat. "Peter?" "May I" you asked signalling his forehead. "Um... sure." he said getting closer to you. You placed your fingers on Peters forehead focusing your power. Closing your eyes and feeling Peter. All you felt was sadness and that was understandable but you also felt a lot of anger and resentment. Trying to focus you couldn't see anything anymore you could only feel. "Peter I....I can't see anything." you said trying to focus more. "I just feel." Suddenly all of the sadness and anger stopped. You know felt nothing. You felt a tiny hint of love or happiness you couldn't tell because it was so slight. You were now trying too long to do it and it started to hurt your head so you took your fingers away and refocused on reality. Opening your eyes to see Peter with a blank face. "i'm sorry." you said. "It's fine."  he said "Peter when you stormed off at the party, you didnt come straight home  here did you?" you said. He didn't say anything. " Peter you promised me, you promised me you were alright." You begged. He looked down. "Peter you came in blood and cuts everywhere i need to know." you said. "You don't." he said. You knew how stubborn he was and you wouldn't get him to say what was going on. "Whatever it is Peter I hope you figure it out." you whispered. He looked up. " Your just gonna give up that easy?" he said. " I can't win with you." you said. You opened your mouth to say something before you were interrupted by your phone ringing. "Shit it's Nat." you said before grabbing and answering it. "Hello." you said. "Hey kid. How's Pete." "What do you think." you snapped. Nat paused.  "Are you coming home." "No,not yet anyway. I don't know what to do."  "Ok we'll text me because there might be a mission we need you to go on but we're not sure yet." she said. "What mission." You said. Peter darted at you when you said this. "A mission but we don't know yet:" "fine" you said. "I'll text you if i am coming home, but it looks like i won't." you said. "Ok we'll see ya later kid." "Bye nat." you said hanging hip the phone. You put your phone on the table. "What's the mission." Pete asked "I'm
not doing it." you snapped. You were so angry at them all the fact they could do that to Peter and just ask you to leave him now. Peter just nodded along. You sighed and just continued eating, while the rain still poured.

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