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You woke up and rubbed your eyes to see the brown haired boy almost cuddled up beside you. You realised the two of you must of fell asleep during the film. It was 1:00pm in the afternoon the movie wasn't until 10:00pm tonight. You looked at the boy beside you. He was so still and calm. All you wanted to do was to be cuddled up beside him. He slept silently. You looked at his cheek bones, his chest,his hair, his lips everything's out him you liked. But you don't want to ruin anything friendship wise and for the avengers. You slowly crawled out of the bottom bunk and into the blowup bed. You fell right back to sleep. There was a knock on the door. It woke only Peter up. "I'm just going out for food, ok" May said on the other side of the door. "Yeah." Peter said still half asleep. When Peter realised that you were no longer beside him he gave a little frown. Still he didn't know why he was sad he had never felt this way towards someone especially a friend. Peter got up and out of bed and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. You didn't wake up too soon after and you were up and out into the kitchen. Peter was making a fry, sausages, bacon and eggs. You started to make tea for everyone. Peter kept trying to make conversation but couldn't get the right words out. "Can we watch the last movie again, i fell asleep during it,sorry?" you asked. Pater gave a sigh of relief. "Yeah sure i'll ask Ned to put it on." "NED!" he shouted. You heard someoen bang their head against the ceiling. "OW!!" you heard a Ned moan. You and Peter laughed. Ned entered the main area. "What" he groaned. "May you put on  ep 8 of star wars s'il vous plaît." Ned rolled his eyes on put it on. You then did her the tea and placed it on the coffee table and Peter placed breakfast on the table. You dug in and watched the movie.

Time skip

"So only one more, tonight!" Ned said excitingly. You guys started to clean up and then May came in. "Hi boys" "Hi ms Parker" you said.
(see what i did there.)
"Please Y/n, call me May." she said. You smiled. "Did you sleep at all?" emphasising on 'all' "Yeah a little." Ned said. The three of you cleaned up while May filled up the fridge and cupboards with food. The three of you sat down and before you could relax again, Nat called you. "Excuse me".  You walked into Peters room.

Y/n: Hey Nat
Nat: Hey kid, have fun?
Y/n: Yeah a lot, How was the 'get-together'
Nat: Fine, standard get together.
Nat: So are you coming home today?, because Tony told me your going to see that film tonight.
Y/n: Ugh......Yeah i will but not for long i'll just get changed and all that might get food.
Nat: K well txt me ok?
Y/n Yeah sure,ok seya bye.
Nat: byeeeeee

You ended the call. You walked back into the main area to see Peter and Ned working on a lego DEATHSTAR! "Omg that's so cool." Peter liked how you were impressed. "We've benn working on it for about a month now." Ned exclaimed. They continued working on it. Piece by piece. You guys relaxed a bit, you watched tv while they worked on the lego. Neds mom came to pick him up around 3:00pm. It was just you and Peter in his room. You didn't really take notice to his room last night. It had geeky posters and gadgets everywhere. Old consoles and computers. Books and pens also everywhere. and his little window showed a great view of Queens. Peter layed on his bed on his phone. You were also in your phone. You decided you were gonna go home in a few and txt Nat to come pick you up. "Wait, Peter how did you get me a ticket on opening night?" Peter paused a little. "Oh um.....Mj was coming and she didn't want to go so we had an extra ticket." he exclaimed. He lied. Mj wasn't going. He managed to find out who was sitting in the seat next to him and discourage and bribe them to give up their seat so you could come. You started to get one of those bad headaches again. you groaned while trying to calm it down. You caressed your fingers across your forehead but nothing happened. Peter noticed you using your powers. He stared in awe until he realised you were in pain. he quickly made you lie down and grabbed you water. Funnily the headache did go away. You thought it must've been a regular headache. "Thanks Peter." "No problem, what happened?" he asked concerningly. "Idk i just get these like bad headaches and my powers kinda just settle it down but it didn't work this time." you stated while moving your fingers in a way that showed of your power. "Does your powers like stop it or like get rid of it.?" he asked "Em i can go onto anyone's forehead and and ye know do my stuff but i honestly dont know." you said frowning. Peter grabbed your head, making you blush a little and placed it on his forehead. "Do me!" he said excitingly.You hovers your hand over his forehead, caressed your fingers and centred your focus. Your vision flashed white. You saw a first person view of who you think is peter behind A tall man holding him back from an alien. You noticed it was a jatari, the aliens that attacked in 2012. The alien stabbed the tall man and you then started running away and hiding behind a dumpster. You felt pain and sadness and grief. Back in the real world Peter noticed Tears falling down your face while focusing. Your vision flashed again. You saw a third person view of Peter getting beat up by a bunch of guys kicking him  and thumping him. Your vision flashed again. You were back in his room. You opened your eyes and you were breathing heavily. Tears rolling down your face. Peter placed his hand on the side of your face wiped the tears of your eyes and smiled softly. You were confused why he was smiling. "Wanda told me what happens when you do it" he said guiltily. "I'm sorry" you said hugging him. "For what?" he asked getting out of the hug. You paused and caught your breath. "I saw a man die and um......I saw you get beat up". Peters smile faded. He hugged you. "I'm sorry you saw that." he said. You got out of the hug and again you found yourself looking into each-others eyes. His brown eyes were beautiful, you just wanted to look at them all day. Peter grabbed your phone and typed in his number so he can text you about details for tonight. He then looked back into your (colour) eyes. You were interrupted by a ring at the door.  The two of you got up and gave a little smile while Peter obviously was blushing trying to hide it. May opened the door. "Hi Nat come in, come in." You heard Nat and began to collect your stuff and get ready to go. You and Peter walked back into the main area to see Nat waiting at the door talking to May. "You ready kid?" she asked you. "Yeah." you nodded. "i'll see you tonight",  you said to Peter. You then thanked May for letting you stay and left the building and was in Nats car. You told her about tonight and that you would be coming home. You were tried from looking at Peters mind it drained you so all you needed was to lye down on your bed. Not after long you made it back to HQ. You entered the living area and collapsed on the couch lying beside Wanda and Nat lifting your head to rest on her lap. You and Wanda talked about your powers,what happened with Peter and the visions and your headache. While Nat listened braiding her fingers through your (colour) hair. Wanda took in all that information and tried to understand it in relation to her powers amen because of Nats relaxing aura and her caressing you head you quickly dozed off.

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