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"Hey!, Get up. You gotta be at the school at 7." Nat woke you up. "I'm up! I'm up!" you said flustered getting up. "NAT ITS 5 o clock in the moring i don't need to be AWAKE!" you shouted throwing yourself into back into bed as  Nat laughed leaving yiru room. "Get up at 6 y/n i'll bring you down for 7." she said closing your door.
   It felt like a split second but it was an hour. You now had to get up. You grunted as Nat suddenly appeared in your room and drew your blinds. "You're cute with bed head." she smirked. "Come on get up." she said patting your leg. You grunted again getting up. You stood there closing your eyes falling asleep standing up. Nat grabbed your arm, jumping you. She dragged you to the kitchen. "Ill make coffee." she said placing you in the kitchen. "Yeah... Th-....anks." you said slowly moping to the couch. You creeped onto the couch. Thor was sitting on the couch eating pop tarts. You later your head on his huge legs stretching your body and falling back into sleep. Thor didn't seem to care and continued eating. Nat scoffed at the AUDACITY of you falling back to sleep. "Why wasn't he training?!" Cap said coming in  after a run. "Yghhhhh" you moaned from the couch. "Leave the boy be." Thor said patting your head. "Thank you Thor." you said still half asleep. "Come on y/n, you decided to do this." Nat said. "Ill be there in a minute, just five mins." you said drowsy. Thor chuckled continuing patting your head.  Nat walked from the kitchen island to the couch and dragged you off making you crash into the carpet floor. "Ugh." you groaned. She literally dragged you on the floor to the chair. "Is this necessary?" you said giving up. "Yes." Nat said straightening to keep your leg in her grasp. She dropped your leg on the floor. You jerked yourself up and took a seat planting your head in the counter. Closing your eyes again. Nat sighed taking a sip of her coffee. Taking your hand and grabbing your coffee, your head still being on the counter. You lifted you head up it weighing 100 tonnes, you took a sip. The caffeine entered your system  right away. You eyes pulsed. Energy was on your side again. With this now found energy you quickly ate breakfast, grabbed your stuff and got the early train into the school. Outside the school building was a single coach and a few students. "Hi sir." you said turning the corner to see him. "Hiya L/n" he smiled. "We're leaving in about 10-15 mins so just hang tight." he added. You went on your phone to pass some time waiting for either MJ or Ned to show up. After about 5 minutes Ned and Mj showed up at the same time in different directions. They both came to you at the same time. "That's awkward." Mj stated. Ned shook his head. "When are we leaving?" Ned asked. "About 5 minutes id say." you replied.  "Alright guys take one, put it on." Mr. Dell said handing out yellow blazers. You all put it on. You noticed in the corner of your eye someone running in your distance. "Alright everyone, get ready guys. Flash, because Peter dropped out you'll be taking his place on the panel." he said. Flash smirked. You noticed the person in the distance getting bigger and bigger. "Is that Pete?" you said to Ned pointing.  "Yeah?" he said confused. Peter was running towards the bus. "Hey everyone, i'm back." pete announced to the group out of breath. "No that's not fair you can't just come ba-". Flash started before, "Peter! Welcome back," Mr Dell exclaimed. "Peter your back on panel, Flash give him teh badge." he exclaimed. "What no!" Flash m snapped. "Now!" he shouted back. "Right everyone on the bus." he said pointing to the entrance. "Your back?" Ned asked confused to Peter. "Yeah." he said as if nothing was wrong. Shortly, Everyone got the bus. You Peter and Ned went behind evyoen on the last row available. Peter and Ned sat with eachother and you had two seats to yourself so you decide to lie down with your feet on one seat and you lying against the window. It was going to be a long drive and you were already tired so you didn't hesitate to close yiru eyes. "You alright?" Peter asked you softly. You slowly opened your eyes. "Tired." you stated closing yiru eyes again. You faintly opened your eyes so you would see Peter bit he couldnot see you open your eyes. Peter looked at your with his head tilted. You felt your cheeks get warm so you quickly tried to "adjust yourself". The ambience of the coach, the people talking, the faint noises it put you to sleep.

As you were asleep, Peter would continue to look at you. He studied your face, he thought you slept so angelically. Liz stood at the front of the coach, she quickly took Peters attention off you to her. Liz started calling peoples names as she wanted to prepare for the big quiz. "Y/n!?" she shouted from the top of the coach. "Ugh hes asleep." Peter replied stuttering. "Ah." she exclaimed smacking her lips. You continued to stay asleep as the rest of your teammates prepared. You slept for about 2 hours. As the light creeped your eyes open, you saw the boy who you adored. He was laughing with Ned. His smile was adorable. As you took tori leg from the lying position to seated. Rubbing your eyes. "You awake?" peter laughed. "How long was out." you replied asking. " 'bout 2 hours" he said. "huh." you shrugged. "Are we nearly here?" you asked looking out the window. "No another two hours. "Ugh." you groaned. "It's not comfortable sleeping here." you moaned. Ned got up to go to the bathroom and Peter moved to Neds seat. "Come here." he said pointing his head at the seat next to him. You were confused, nonetheless you got up and sat in Peters old seat. He patted his lap. You eyes winded, his lap? wtf died he want me to sit on him? lol. "what?" you asked. " lie down." he said. You hesitantly placed your head on Peters legs and you also stretched your legs out to the other chair. When you lied down some of your hair was covering your eyes. Pete took his hand and tucked your hair behind your ear. Peters cologne made your drowsy. "Is that better." he whispered. Those words sent chills down your spine. "Yeah." your said m adjusting your head.  You turned your head to face Peters torso. Peter slowly took his hand and caressed your scalp. Your scalp is very sensitive so he was driving you insane running his fingers around your head. It felt so good. You had to bite your lip incase you moaned. 'Wtf is he doing' you wondered. You are friends, FRIENDS DONT DO THIS! You didn't want it to stop. This energy and pleasure you were getting from him out you to sleep. Awaking again a while after you were annoyed you fell asleep as you were in heaven. You were still on Peters lap. Peter was asleep and Ned was asleep on the two seats you occupied at the start of the journey. You stared at Peter, the boys face was peaceful when asleep. You examined his face. You have done his many  times but each time different as you found something new each time. You were interrupted. The feeling rushed over you you now needed to go to to the bathroom, annoyed that you want to stay on Peters lap. You, angry slowly, made your way up from Peters grasp and walked to the bathroom. Returning from the bathroom, you were devastated to see Peter and Ned awake sitting beside eachother again. You slouched back into the seats waiting to arrive at washington.

"We're here!" Mr Dell announced. Everyone, tired and fed up from the long coach ride, quickly got their stuff and got out of the coach. The cold air hit you as you stepped onto the ground. "Right guys gimme one minute while i check us in." Mr Dell said as you all walked to the hotel.  You waited as Mr. Dell checked the gang in. "Right guys here are all your keys." he said giving them out to everyone. "And... L/n, your with me." he stated. "What?" you were confused. "Your in the same room as me come on." he said picking up his bags. "Em Sir Y/ns gonna stay in our room. "There not enough beds,Parker ." he stated.  "We'll share." peter smiled. Mr Dell understood the situation. "Ok sure go on." he said. "Right guys, I want everyone to be back here for 7 for dinner right, you will be punished for not obeying the rules!" he announced. So you guys basically had the day to yourselves. The three of you went to your room and threw your bags. Peter and Ned both jumped on their own beds and spread out "ahhhh." they said in unison. "So who's bed am i staying in." yiu asked. "me." Peter siad a little too quickly. He turned his head.  You also collapsed on the bed next to him.

The three of you got all your stuff ready in your room. You guys had a couple if hours too kill. You decided to just explore the hotel, then explore the city a little. Mostly just relaxed as you did have a big day ahead of you. You watched as the autumn leaves fell and flew around. The browns and reds and oranges complimented Peters eyes and hair.  You looked at the boy, the same boy you met a couple weeks ago. Yet you two been through so much together. You stared into the floor as you guys were walking back to hotel for dinner. "You alright?" Peter asked you softly. You looked up at him. His smile made you better. "Yeah." you assured him. Peter smiled i reply. "you know i'm here." he said. You remembered why you fell in love with him.

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