The three magical words 🌹

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Neha closed her eyes anxiously trying to avoid Arjun's reaction just like a pigeon that closes its eyes upon seeing a cat. She had nothing to lose. She just did not want to regret anymore. She was not sure what life had in store for her but she wanted to give things a chance.

Neha did not have heart to reject the joy and love, Arjun was ready to offer her. She knew confessing her emotions to Arjun might mean going against her family but love had given her the much-needed strength. She was all set to confess her feelings for him today, not trying to wait for his opinion, his judgement and his thoughts about her.

Arjun held her shivering palms and rubbed them gently. He was providing the much-needed warmth and strength for her to speak. He did not know what she was about to tell him but he knew that she came from a difficult family and he was ready to be a good friend to her, stand by her side and guide her whenever necessary.

His heart pained upon realizing her pain but he could not take a stand for her until she was ready. The trance of his thoughts was broken when Neha finally mumbled his name with her trembling lips.

Confessions are never easy and hence, Neha was afraid too. She was not just fearing the rejection but she was afraid of her parent's reaction. It was a now or never situation for her. "You have to do it, Neha", her heart yelled inside her.

"Arjun, I have never felt so acknowledged around anyone as I feel with you. I have never felt so accepted as I felt around your parents." She finally said, after gathering the much-needed courage while Arjun just smiled, refraining himself to hug her and tell her that he was there for her, no matter what it took.

"Your words, whatever it is, it shall pass, still ring inside my ears whenever I am upset", she said with a small smile playing on her lips. She looked cute with her eyes tightly shut.

"She's too innocent". An inner voice inside Arjun told him.

"I think, I want to give you a chance", she finally said and Arjun was surprised. He wanted to pinch himself and know if he was not dreaming.

"Bravo! Arjun. She's real and it's happening. She wants to date you just like you want." His brain and his heart were jumping in joy while a smile played on his lips. He was certainly, the luckiest man alive!

However, his silence was not take well by Neha. Was he not interested anymore? The question was constantly bugging her mind. Her heart shattered and her eyes wept, once again.

Trying to control her sobs, she decided to speak her mind and end everything at peace. She had nothing to lose. She had applied for a transfer and she could definitely run away, avoiding to see his face forever!

"Arjun, when I met Vimal, I realized I could never find anyone like you. I know, we belong to different families and I am quite out of your league." Neha blabbered and Arjun was perplexed. He wanted to scratch his head in confusion.

"I know, you don't have to feel as same as me. I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I have involuntarily fallen for you, and I have fallen hard." She finally poured her heart out and Arjun was overjoyed.

He wanted to literally jump in joy. His girl loved him. He was now sure that he would go to any extent to make sure that she took right decisions in her life, even if it meant going her family. He was overjoyed. His eyes wandered at her pink, luscious lips. He just wanted to feel them against his, sealing the deal.

Arjun's silence was killing her. She had expected him to at least hug her but here, she would have even not known that he was near her if he had not held her hands. She was disappointed for making a fool of herself. She wanted the ground to open and swallow her for she was ashamed.

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