Serene Walk Together 👫

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Neha was silent not because, she didn't have an answer but because, she hated his voice getting vulnerable and heavy. "With such a bright smile, he is hiding his pain", her heart told her and she was not at all happy about it.

"Two years ago, I was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. My father is a retired brigadier and I was ecstatic to have an opportunity to carry on his legacy. I wanted to reach at the higher ranks and protect the people of my country." Arjun narrated remembering his passion for the defence services in a quavering voice.

After an emotional turmoil in the restaurant, Neha was feeling disheartened when she realised that Arjun had gone through his lows which had terrifying memories. His voice seemed to give away and she was unhappy about it.

Taking a deep breath, he voiced out his failure. "I was posted in Kashmir when we got an information that a terrorist was hiding in one of the villages. As per our intel, he was recruiting young children in his terrorist organization. I was ordered by my seniors to catch him alive and know about his future plans."

Arjun closed his eyes as he remembered the unfateful day when he had raided the village to catch that filthy monster. He told her, "Neha, I and my team were after him once we had located him. He was hiding his identity and staying in an abandoned shelter given by the villagers. We attacked him and were surprised to find loads of RDX and young kids being taught to prepare a bomb."

"Those innocent kids were taught to destroy humanity when they were supposed to study, she lamented as a lump was formed in her throat wondering about the fate of those little kids who were given RDX and guns instead of books and pens.

Arjun entwined his palm with hers and surprisingly, her warmth was giving him the much-needed support and encouragement. He continued, "We easily overpowered the team teaching the kids and rescued the children without harming them. The trainers and their guards were killed but before we could catch the terrorist, he escaped."

"I and two of my colleagues followed him while the rest of the team guarded the kids and the explosives. That scumbag was not a good runner but he trapped a heavily pregnant woman on gunpoint to blackmail us." Arjun revealed and Neha was horrified.

Disgusted and annoyed at the terrorist, she dug her nails into Arjun's palm. He was certainly amazed by the empathetic woman walking with him.

"When both of my colleagues, tried to negotiate with him, I managed to save the anxious woman from his clutches. He tried to escape when I lunged onto him and that bastard shot me in my abdomen. My men caught him while I was taken to the hospital." Arjun mumbled only to hear Neha sobbing.

"I am so sorry. I didn't know that you had to go through all this. I am glad you are fine, Arjun." She said getting overwhelmed with the whirlpool of emotions inside her.

"I am not done yet. Hardest part is yet to come, dear." He chuckled at his fate. Sighing, he revealed, "I was lucky that the bullet didn't damage my organs but after I got discharged, I was rendered medically unfit shattering my dream to protect the nation."

"You are strong enough to smile everyday", she mumbled getting inspired with his journey.

"Neha, life teaches a lot. I was devastated when I was offered a role in the administrative department of the Indian Army. I didn't have guts to face officers in uniform so I resigned. My parents were there with me to support me and this is how, I landed up in Federal Bank of India just to explore new things." He spoke with a serene smile playing on his lips.

It had been really hard for him to accept his failures and downfalls but he had finally accepted his fate. He had no regrets and he was contended with his life but remembering those bitter memories was painful.

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