What is it, Neha? 🤔

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Sitting in her balcony, Neha was feeling miserable. With a cup of tea in her hand, she was missing her morning walk but more than that, she was craving to hug Bruno and relish the morning sunrays while sitting on a bench with Arjun. Her mornings began with coffee, but today she was drinking a cup of strongly brewed tea missing Arjun’s company.

It was six in the morning. Normally she would have been in the community park and spending time with Arjun as well as Bruno was her new routine. She was certainly feeling miserable upon avoiding the person who brought smile on her lips but she was afraid of getting judged. Never in her dreams, she wanted to be called unspeakable names. She did not want to fuel the gossips in her office.

She admired Arjun and relished his company, no doubts, but she was not ready to be judged by her colleagues. Miserably, she watched the golden yellow hues of the sun all alone cursing Pawan all this while.

Scrolling through her Instagram, she found a recent story added by Radha featuring her little kids when she remembered the encounter with Arjun.

She felt guilty for losing her temper in her cabin when Arjun was simply telling her to have lunch for her benefit. She hated herself for snapping at him while he was politely showing his concern.  More than that, she hated herself for avoiding him when he wanted a proper conversation in the evening.

On the previous evening, when she was walking towards the metro station, Arjun had stopped his car near her offering her ride to her home. She was readily going to sit inside when she had remembered Pawan mocking at her character for sharing rides with her boss.

She had wanted to apologise for losing her control during the lunch hour but then she had realised that it was not the right place to talk especially when her colleagues might see her with the manager. She did not want to become a hot topic of gossip so she had simply lied, “Sir, I have to meet a friend”.

As much as she had hated to see the dejected face of Arjun after rejecting the serene rides she adored, she had given a polite smile before entering inside the metro station. Cursing Pawan and the society that bred men like him, she got up to prepare breakfast for herself.

“You have lot to do, Neha. Stop thinking and just cook, eat and then do the laundry.” She told herself as she began cleaning her house.

On the other hand, Arjun was disheartened to see Bruno searching for Neha in the community park. He had realized that she was avoiding him purposefully. On the previous evening, Neha had not accepted the car ride which he had offered just to have a discussion about what was bothering her. He was definitely hurt at her words but he wanted to sort out things.

“Come on, Bruno. Stay quiet. We will go to meet her.” Arjun coaxed his poor dog. He was upset at Neha. She had no right to make Bruno suffer at all. With a desire to make things right just for one last time, he marched to Neha's housing society along with his dog, Bruno.

The idea was simple. He wanted to know what was wrong with her for one last time. He did not want himself to be labelled as a creep therefore, he did not want to pester her any further in the case, she pushed him away once again.
Standing in front of the metal gates of Signature Apartments, Arjun asked himself, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“A hundred and one percent sure”, he mumbled to himself as he went on making the entry in the Visitor Register while the guard  greeted him with a pleasant smile. Dreadfully, he walked inside the elevator to go to the fifth floor where Neha resided at. His heart raced while his dog barked as he pressed the doorbell.

Neha had been dusting her living room when she heard the doorbell. “Who could it be early in the morning?” She wondered and headed to open the door only to receive the surprise of her life.

For once, Neha was shocked to see dark brown eyes of Arjun looking at her while Bruno pounced upon her, hugging her hard. She took a minute to balance herself on her feet as Bruno wrapped his forelegs around her conveying his anger and misery upon being left alone.

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