Chapter Twenty-eight

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Now that Cage is living in his house out in the country, instead of his apartment here in town. I can't drop the puppies off with him anymore while Knox and Kohl are at school and I'm at work. Luckily for me though Muddy and Buddy are pretty well trained from when we first got them.o

I no longer have to overly worry about them using that bathroom all over the house.

I decided it would be fine for the puppies to stay at home by themselves, and I will just come home around lunch to let them out then go back to work. We'll see how that goes after New Year when it's time for the twins to go back to school.

Knox and Kohl talked me into having a New Year's Eve party at my house and I'm allowing them one friend. It won't be much of a party but there is no way I am having a bunch of kids over at my house and letting them get jacked up on sugar until midnight. Dealing with three kids is more than enough for me. Plus Cage and his friends are coming over and they like to act like children too. At least I can count on Quinn and Noah to help me watch all the children.

I already have all of the snacks out, except for the stuff that needs to stay refrigerated.

There's a variety of cookies, cupcakes, and cakes. Also sodas for the boys and alcohol for the adults which I will be skipping tonight. Someone has to stay sober and keep an eye on everyone. However I am more than happy to stay sober I'm not much of a drinker, not even when I turned twenty-one. I didn't even go out during that birthday, partially cause I didn't want to be the town's latest gossip the next day, mostly though I just didn't want to go out. Me not being a big drinker was the reason, which has nothing to do with being a mom now, I just never really liked alcohol.

I hear the front door open and peek around into the living and spot Quinn coming my way with Noah right behind her.

She's wearing the dress a gave to her a few days ago and just like I thought it looks amazing on her. It's a floor-length light blue dress with cap sleeves and has a sliver now belt. Going off the number of times I have caught Noah with his attention on her since they walked into my house I can tell he thinks she looks beautiful as well.

"Quinn you look gorgeous!" I pull her into a quick hug and then do the same with Noah.

"So do you as always."

I look down at my chunky sweater, pajama pants, and ugg boot, then look back up at her like yeah right.

"Oh come on you can pull off anything, so yes you look gorgeous in your pajamas."

"How have you been Noah?"

I haven't seen Noah since he watched the twins for Cage and I, normally we don't go that long without seeing each other, but we have both been super busy. Though you would figure with how tiny our town is we would have run into each other eventually but we haven't.

"Doing good. Tattoo shop has been getting a lot more business lately, can't complain though better than how business was when I first opened up shop."

When Noah first moved to town five years ago and opened up a tattoo shop, he didn't get much business. Most of the people in town that a tattoo shop would bring some unsavory people to town. I think they just thought biker gangs would come here to Rushmore. Which they have not, I don't think Rushmore, Montana is on everyone's bucket lists of places to see.

"Not surprising at all you are so good at what you do, you know if I wasn't so afraid of needles I would let you tattoo me," I tell him.

After I speak the twins come rushing into the kitchen with Sam hot on their heels, once they catch sight of Noah it is like Quinn and I are not even here.

The Perfect Mistake✓ (Perfect #1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora