Chapter Seventeen

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"I don't think that's how you're supposed to cut a tree down."

Cage was going to dig up the stump after we cut the tree down, but somehow the boys talked him into doing both at the same time. Right now there is a rope tied around the tree on one end and the other is tied to the back of his truck somehow.

"No, but it's way more fun already." Cage yells through his open window.

"You don't even know which way the tree will fall! For all, you know it could come down on you."

At that, he gets out of his truck and ties another rope around the tree, only this time the other end of the rope is tied to another tree a little ways away. I just roll my eyes at him when he looks at me with his charming grin.

"Boys, you want to ride in the truck with me?"

"Absolutely not going to happen!" I yell at Cage before Knox or Kohl could answer him.

Cage just shrugs his shoulder and gives the boys a what are you going to do have to listen to your mother look. Then he puts the truck in drive and attempts to pull the tree from the ground. He pushes the gas pedal all the way to the floor and after some time he somehow gets the tree out of the ground. The tree falls in the opposite direction of the way the truck is facing, making creaky noises as it starts to fall. It hits the ground with a thump and the forest surrounding us falls into dead silence, that quickly gets broken by the boys.

The boys cheer once the tree is on the ground.

I swear guys are ridiculous sometimes, Cage could have just cut the tree down then dug up the stump. Though I can understand how hard it is to tell the boys no, even if the stunt he just pulled could have been very dangerous.

I see Cage looking at me and I just shake my head with a that was kind of ridiculous smile. He smiles back then hops out of the truck and grabs his saw from the back.

"Come here boys I'll teach you how to use a saw. Okay so at first you have to saw back and forth lightly, to make a few notches in the wood on where you want to saw at. Once you do that you put more pressure down and you have to keep the blade straight. Not tilted to one side or the other or you'll bend the saw." Cage says and saws down until he's about an inch deep into the tree trunk. " Here why don't one of you try it?"

"Mom can we?" Kohl asks me.

"I don't see why not."

The boys take turns sawing away at the tree to get rid of all the roots at the bottom. I'm sure next year they're going to want to help saw the tree again. They get tired pretty quickly then Cage takes over and finishes it off. Soon the tree is sawed smoothly on the bottom of the trunk.

"Can we go see your house now?"

"Yep, we just need to get this tree loaded up to think you can help with that?" Cage ruffles Knox's hair causing him to glare at his father, but you can see a hint of a smile playing at his lips.

I love seeing the boys so happy around their father. I know not telling Cage I was pregnant when I found out is something I will regret for the rest of my life. I just didn't know how he would have reacted then when we were teenagers and strangers. The night we slept together was the first time I ever even talked to him. Besides things happen for a reason maybe back then Cage wouldn't have been ready to be a father. I know I wasn't ready back then but knew I would be keeping the twins.

We all work together to get the tree loaded up. It wasn't simple at all and more than once we all got smacked with a branch. The boys picked out a good tree though. It's a beautiful six foot five blue spruce, with no huge gaps between branches. Definitely isn't no Charlie Brown Christmas tree.

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