Chapter Twenty-three

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"Quinn, you ready for our girl's day?" I ask her as soon as I open the front door around noon.

"Of course I am! I brought a few new lipsticks and nail polishes. I mean look at this blue and tell me that is not the prettiest color you have ever seen." Quinn holds up this light blue with a hint of gray-colored nail polish.

I can tell why she picked it despite any blue shades being her favorite color. Not only that but it would go with this dress I bought last year but haven't found an occasion to wear it for. Since I haven't worn it or don't see myself wearing it I decided to give it to Quinn. The dress isn't my style but it is hers.

"It's a super pretty shade now come in before you freeze."

I step aside to let Quinn in and then take her coat and scarf from her and hang it up in the coat closet.

"Oh, I also brought wine. Pink Moscato. Figured it fit for a girl's days." Quinn pulls the bottle of wine out from her bag and acts like she's a hand model with the bottle.

I laugh while grabbing a wine opener. I take the cork out and then we both take a drink straight from the bottle. Not even bothering to get wine glasses, cause we're classy like that. Kidding, the truth is last year we both got too drunk and broke a wine glass so we decided not to use one next year.

"Oh, I also made a cheese platter to go with the wine." I grab that out of the fridge and then we head into the living room. "Okay, first things first. Facemasks."

In the living room, I have a bunch of beauty products all set-out. Facemasks, makeup, nail polish, foot baths, and lotions. We go all-out whenever we have a girl's day. Which isn't often since we're both busy keeping the bakery going and me raising twin boys.

We both sit on the couch and grab a facemask that will moisturize our faces off the coffee table. Once we have those on we get our feet baths set up and going. I give a relaxed sigh already feeling any tension I had in my body disappear. This is always so relaxing and I'm so glad I have Quinn to do this with me. Sure I could do it by myself but come on a girl's day is more fun with friends.

"So tell me everything that's happened lately. You and Cage been on my more dates I don't know about?"

"No, but we were planning to soon. Just wanted to wait until after Christmas. I don't know why I was so nervous for Cage to properly meet my parents they loved him, Quinn."

"Aww someone sounds like they're in love!" Quinn gives me a gentle teasing shove.

"Oh shut up! When are you going to give Noah a chance hmm? You two would be perfect together but anytime he comes into the bakery you make some excuse to go to the kitchen. You shy around him?"

Whenever Noah gets brought up Quinn always tries to change the topic. I feel like he is the one guy that makes her shy, cause anytime she talks to guys and they try to flirt with her she acts like they didn't even try. One time some guy said to her can I get your number sugar and she just handed him a packet of sugar. The guy just stood there confused and staring at the sugar, blinking. Then he turned his confused look on her and she said the number for the sugar is on the packet. That guy hasn't been back in the bakery since.

"No. Maybe? I don't know. Noah just has this way of looking at you like he can see into your soul. It's intense and I just don't know how to talk to him so I just walk away before he speaks. I'm over my ex-boyfriend I just don't if I'm ready to date again yet. For some reason, I feel if I give Noah a chance and he cheats on me, it would hurt a lot worse than it did when Steven cheated on me."

"I can understand that but I hope you know not everyone is like your ex. I know I don't understand since that never happened to me before but still I just want you to be happy and if your happy being single I'll buy you some cats," I tease her.

I would never buy her cats. One cause she's allergic and two she's terrified of cats. Like jump up on the highest surface possible or use someone as a shield terrified.

"Better make it dogs if I'm single for the rest of my life."

"Deal. Now give me your hand I'll paint them that new blue shade you got."

I grab the nail polish and then she gives me her hand. I get to work painting her nails, taking my time to get them perfect. Quinn once asked me why I spend forever painting nails. I told her it was the baker in me who is always aiming for perfection. I refuse to sell any baked goods that I think are missing something or just aren't quite right. I want my baked goods to be the best of the best.

"So what are Cage and the twins doing today?" Quinn asks then takes a drink of the wine.

"They went to Bryce to get furniture for Knox and Kohl's rooms at his house. After that, I don't know. There done what do you think?" I put the lid back on the nail polish and then grabbed some cheese to munch on.

"I love it was a good choice. What color do you want?"

I pick out a plum purple colored nail polish and hand it to her. While she's painting my nails my phone rings, I carefully grab it off the end table where I put it.

"Hello?" I answer without checking to see who it is.

"How's your girl's day going?"

I smile instantly knowing it's Cage on the other end.

"It's going well. Quinn's painting my nails right now. What are you and the boys' doing?"

"I am making sure that there are no accidental paint wars while Knox and Kohl are painting their rooms. Kohl went with uh... Kensington blue and Knox went with Douglas Fern green for their rooms." I hear a commotion in the background and then Cage is yelling. "No stop! Do not move! You'll get paint everywhere even more. I got to go Rory. Kohl Knocked over Knox's paint tray. So glad I put a plastic sheet down."

"Have fun cleaning that up!"

"Meany bye," Cage says and then hangs up the phone.

I set my phone back down where it was at and then look over at Quinn who has an eyebrow raised in question.

"What was that about? Also, give me your other hand I'm done with this one."

I give Quinn my other hand and explain that Knock knocked over Kohl's paint tray. Which makes Quinn laugh since Kohl can be rather clumsy from time to time.

No one else disturbs us for the rest of our girl's day. We spend it doing each other's toes, make-up, and hair, getting drunk on wine. Of course, gossiping about everyone in town. We also make a mess of my room by modeling all of my clothes. Which is something I haven't done since I was a little girl.

"We should do this again soon and then go out to dinner as well. Been a while since we've done anything like that," I tell Quinn and hug her since she's leaving.

"It has been. I vote for a steak dinner if we do. Sounds delicious."

I agree and then she leaves.

I had fun today and I hope the twins did too with their Dad.

I made a prequel to The Perfect Mistake called The Perfect Night go check it out.💕


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