Chapter Nineteen

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I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. I'm wearing a red sweater dress with a black and red plaid infinity scarf and a pair of black ballet flats. My brown hair is in curls cascading down my back. For my make-up, I just went with some mascara and chapstick.

I put effort into how I look tonight but didn't go all out. I know Cage's mother is going to judge everything about me and the boys. So I'm really going to try and not let her judgment get to me.

It's not that I care what she thinks of me I know the only opinion that really matters is my own.

I just can only hope she doesn't voice her judgemental opinions about Knox and Kohl out loud. To others when Mrs. Trevor looks at the twins it seems like she is curious about them. When really I can tell she wishes that we lived in a town or city far away from Rushmore, somewhere that she wouldn't have to see them anytime she walks around town. I have just always been pretty good at reading people since I was kind of a wallflower in high school. I preferred it that way honestly and I just kept on myself and studied people.

Honestly, if I didn't have Molly and Nora in high school I never would have done anything more than go to school, come home and do my homework. I never would have gone to that fourth of July party.

I take one last look at my appearance in my bathroom mirror and then leave my room. I go out to the living room and spot the boys. Both wearing the red long-sleeved dress shirts, dark gray sweater vests, and slacks I picked out for them.

"I can't believe you're making us wear this Mom," Kohl says while glaring down at his shirt.

Knox doesn't look too happy about it either considering the look he's giving me.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted you both to look nice is all."

"Could have looked nice in a t-shirt and jeans," Knox grumbles.

Just going off the boys' attitude I can tell that this night is going to go terrible. Knox normally doesn't give me any attitude, even when I tell him he has to do something he doesn't want to.

"Look I know you both don't want to go. Heck, I don't even want to but we're doing this for your Dad. Us meeting his parents will make him very happy okay? If you both behave and please try not to have such bad attitudes I'll take you to get milkshakes after deal?" I ask them hoping bribing the twins would help.

Knox and Kohl share a few looks, doing their twin telepathic thing.

They must have come to some kind of an agreement because they look ate and nod their head accepting the offer.

There's a knock on the door and I kiss Knox and Kohl on their foreheads in thanks. I walk over to the door and open it seeing Cage. He's dressed similarly to the twins but instead of a sweater vest, he has a suit jacket on.

He looks so handsome.

If having Cage dressed like that to look at all night doesn't get me through this dinner I don't what would. I mean I have to have something to get me through this dinner. Milkshakes may help the boys but it sure won't help me.

"Hey," I say to him.

"Hey, you look gorgeous."

"Thank you, you look great as well. The boys are not in the best mood right now so beware and I told them we could get milkshakes after dinner. That okay with you?" I turn around and lead him out of the mudroom and to the living room.

"Yeah that's fine I don't really know how long dinner will be. Just tell me if you want to leave though okay?" Cage grabs my hand and runs his thumb across the top.

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