Chapter Twenty-five

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Cage leans forward and kisses me on the forehead.

"It's okay Rory. Let's just move on we can't change the past, let's just live in the present and look towards the future. Cause Rory? I want a future with you, Knox, and Kohl more than anything. I want us to be together as a family. I know this past month has been crazy but I don't regret it. I don't regret anything that happened between us. I love our sons and I love you."

I wrap my arms around his midsection and press my face against his chest. He always smells amazing like cedarwood and mint, it's calming. I could just inhale his intoxicating smell all day long.

Cage is right we can't change the past, so why dwell on it? We need to just live in the present and be excited about our future.

"You're right Cage," I sniffle and wipe away the last remnants of my tears, laughing at the black specks from my remaining mascara that's on my fingers. "Gosh, I'm such a mess."

"Maybe but you're my mess. You still look as beautiful as you did eight years ago."

"Oh yeah, red puffy eyes, black specks from mascara on my face, snot almost dripping out of my nose is so in right now. I bet all those runway models are rocking this look down the catwalk."

"Nah they wouldn't be able to pull it off only you can," Cage puts one of his hands on the back of my head and brings his lips to mine, kissing me senseless.

My eyes flutter close and I lean up on tiptoes so we are chest to chest, throwing my arms around his neck for support. Cause the way he's kissing me right now is making me very weak in the knees. Though by how tightly Cage is holding me around the waist with one of his arms I don't think I would fall.

The only thing falling is me, for him.

I'm falling more and more in love with him every time I see him or when he kisses me.

A simple kiss on the forehead, cheek, and nose makes me feel adored. Every deep kiss makes me feel wanted. There is no better feeling than being loved by this man and our sons.

We pull apart completely breathless, my cheeks are turning pink from the passionate kiss we just shared. Once my breathing is back to normal I open my eyes.

"I do have one more question for you."

"Ask away Sugar," Cage brushes a strand of hair out of my face, the barely-there touch of his fingers makes me shiver.

"What was so important that you had to leave back then?"

Cage sighs and steps back, letting me go.

"I think we better sit down for this."

I simply nod my head in agreement and follow him to the living room. He sits down on the couch on one end and I sit down my body facing towards his on the other side, thinking he might want some space for this.

He's quiet for a moment, probably trying to get his thoughts in order. What he tells me is not something I would have ever expected.

"I don't know if you remember but I have a twin brother his name is Catch. He was constantly causing trouble I knew he only did that to get our parent's attention, they were only ever concerned about keeping up with their appearances. My sister is just like them in that regard. Our parents not seeing that Catch just wanted their attention sent him off to a really strict boarding school. I don't know why they thought that would straighten him out. It just made him rebel more, he started hanging out with a pretty bad crowd by the time he was fourteen. The school threatened to expel him multiple times, they didn't of course, only cause dear old mom and dad kept throwing money at them. When we were seventeen they cut him off completely, told me not to talk to him anymore. I couldn't do that he was my brother, my twin. For the longest time I was him he was me. We knew each other better than anyone else in the world. They still paid for his school but nothing else, though it didn't matter the second they cut him off he packed his stuff up and left the school. Didn't tell anyone where he went, he was just gone. Two months later he contacted me, wouldn't tell me where he was but I didn't care I was just glad he was okay."

"He was what was important that you had to leave, wasn't he?"

Cage is looking at me with such sad eyes that I want to scoot closer to him and hug him tight. I just don't know if that's what he wants right now though. Deciding to take the risk I crawl closer to him on my knees and wrap my arms around his neck, hoping to bring him some form of comfort.

Cage's tense body relaxes, the moment I hug him, proving he really did need a hug. He needed someone to not speak and just hug him.

"Yeah, it was him. I don't know what time it was he called, the sun was just starting to rise. I went to the bathroom so I didn't wake you and answered his call. He needed help, badly. Catch borrowed money from some dangerous people who wanted to kill him if he didn't pay them back by noon the next day. I had to help him. There was no way I could leave him to deal with that on his own, even if he was the one who caused the problem. He could have asked to borrow money from me but he chose to borrow it from dangerous people. So I left you there alone in that hotel room, which killed me to do, to go to Washington to fix my brother's problem."

I sit down in his lap and plaster myself to him, my arms still wrapped tightly around his shoulders. Silently letting him know that I care and that I'm here for him. I wish that I was there for him back then when he dealing with that all. I hate that he had to deal with that because of his brother.

"I haven't spoken to him since Sugar. He borrowed five thousand dollars for drugs. Bought a bunch of drugs for him and his buddies I guess. Even after knowing that I still don't regret helping him, I helped him one last time cause he was my brother. He started to feel like a stranger when he was away at boarding school, now he is one. I told him when he gets his life together, and isn't doing drugs, drinking, or hanging out with bad people, to call me. After it's been so many years and he still hasn't called me I guess he doesn't want to get his life together."

"I'm sorry Cage," I whisper to him.

Cage pushes me back a little and looks into my eyes, with a sad smile.

"It sucks that he doesn't want to get his life together but it's okay. I don't want him in my life now if he's doing drugs or hanging out with bad people. " He trails his finger down my jaw bone following the movement with his eyes. "Especially now that I have you and our sons. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to any of you."

"Me either," I lean forward and kiss him.

"Now come on no more about the past. Let's go eat some cold Alfredo I'm sure it's just as good as it was warm."

So that's just what we do.

Afterwards, we spend the rest of the night laughing at home videos of Knox and Kohl growing up. I made sure to take as many videos and pictures of boys as I could from the time they were babies to now.

I'm glad I did and I know Cage is as well.


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